+ Crystal Owings, Tim Galarneau, Iosto Puddu, Weixin Cheng Real Food Calculator Project at UC Santa Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Crystal Owings, Tim Galarneau, Iosto Puddu, Weixin Cheng Real Food Calculator Project at UC Santa Cruz."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Crystal Owings, Tim Galarneau, Iosto Puddu, Weixin Cheng Real Food Calculator Project at UC Santa Cruz

2 +

3 + Overall Goals 40% real food by 2020 30% real food by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year increase awareness about real food

4 + What is ‘real’ food

5 + How does the Real Food Calculator relate to Sustainability? The Real Food Calculator addresses a variety of problems in today’s broken food system.  High use of pesticides and fertilizers  Inhumane practices  GMO’s

6 + Why do we care about tracking our food? UCOP approved a Food Services Policy, 20% sustainable food by 2020 (Fall 2009) Has set targets to reach 40% real food by 2020 (UCSC Dining). CSP target- 25% by 2013. 28% real food as of last winter quarter. It’s a UC system wide policy.Campus Sustainability Plan UCSC Student involvement Students have been involved in changing the food system since 2002 Self-op since 2004 Keeping the torch lit

7 + Why the Real Food Calculator?  Developed and supported by the Real Food Challenge.  Used by many universities across the nation.  How does it work?  Uses four categories  Local & Community Based  Ecologically Sound  Fair  Humane  Green, Yellow, Red, or Disqualifiers!

8 + Objectives and tasks 1. Complete the first assessment using the Real Food Calculator. 2. increase awareness about ‘real food’ and campus efforts 3. Generate a list of potential food items to change in campus dining halls 4. Dining & Purchasing stakeholder meetings

9 + 1. Completing the first assessment Work hours Working with Food Pro research Calculator Coding parties

10 + 2. Raising awareness Brochure Real Food Sticker Real Food Survey

11 + 2. Raising awareness Brochure Real Food Sticker Real Food Survey

12 + Real Food Sticker

13 + 2. Raising awareness Brochure Real Food Sticker Real Food Survey

14 +  Conducted by the Dining Foodies  Evaluate what items students feel comfortable changing  Targets real food calculator categories

15 + 3. THE list! Meetings to create the list (plus revising). Consists of items on the chopping block. Incorporates feedback from Real Food Survey. Must be a common item in the dining hall.

16 + 4. Stakeholder meetings  Dining and Purchasing  Present the list  Major decision making!  Several meetings prior to prepare

17 + IMPACT at UC Santa Cruz  More sustainable food on campus!  Inform and engage  meal plan holders  Dining Administration & staff  Other stakeholders  Uphold UCSC’s reputation! Who benefits?  Local farmers, companies, and vendors that provide sustainable food items  UCSC meal plan holders, UCSC Dining, and Sustainability Office

18 + Current questions or concerns Progress of the first assessment The progress of the list Depends on the assessment Cost to increase the amount of real food

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