Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 1 TERMPROJECT TERM PROJECT: Determinants of Fatal Car Accidents in the United States MBA 555: Managerial Economics.

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1 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 1 TERMPROJECT TERM PROJECT: Determinants of Fatal Car Accidents in the United States MBA 555: Managerial Economics Presentation on June 20, 2012 Group 4:Henning Andrees, Chelsey Hawes, Martin Kumke, Paula Monteiro, Charly von Wiedersperg

2 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 2 TERMPROJECT Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Research History 3.Data and Variables 4.Econometric Model 5.Results 6.Policy Implications 7.Summary and Conclusion

3 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 3 TERMPROJECT INTRODUCTION Car Fatalities Are Devastating to Society  Car crashes are the leading cause of death in ages 5–34 in the US  2.3 million adults treated in the ER as a result of crashes  $41 billion in medical and loss of labor costs  32,788 traffic fatalities in 2010  Causes: aggressive driving, alcohol, weather, equipment failure 1 death per 10,000 people per year Examining the determinants of fatal car accidents in the US STUDY OBJECTIVE

4 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 4 TERMPROJECT RESEARCH HISTORY Many Models Have Been Developed over the Years  Loeb (1987) –Drinking beer, age, speed, vehicle inspection  O’Donnell et al. (1996): –Age, speed, alcohol, vehicle type, seating position  Fridstrom (1999): –Impact of multiple variables on severity of accidents  Ulfarsson et al. (2002): –Impact of gender and type of vehicle on car accident severity  Milton (2006): –Weather, traffic, road conditions, curves

5 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 5 TERMPROJECT HYPOTHESES Testing Hypotheses in Four Different Categories H 1 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … weather and climatic conditions. H 2 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … the degree of drug and alcohol use. H 3 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … demographic factors. H 4 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … driving-related factors.

6 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 6 TERMPROJECT DATA AND VARIABLES Diverse Variables Based on Hypothesis Categories 1: Weather and climate  Temperature (average)  Precipitation (annual)  Snowfall (annual)  Wind speed (average)  Time between sunrise and sunset 3: Demographic factor  Average age  Sex ratio (male/female)  Student population (percent)  Number of foreign born (percent)  Median income  Average family size  Population density 2: Drug and alcohol use  Beer consumption (per capita)  Cigarette use (percentage)  Prescription drugs sold (kg per capita) 4: Driving-related factors  Number of motor vehicles (per capita)  Driving age (full license)  Interstate miles (per vehicle)  Speed limit (mph)  Fine for speeding  Suspension for drunk driving  Police officers (per capita) Number of fatal car accidents per 100,000 inhabitants DEPENDENT INDEPENDENT

7 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 7 TERMPROJECT  Narrow down the significant variables METHODOLOGY Multiple Steps to Create the Best Production Model Basic Assumption: Cobb-Douglas Production Function: Stepwise  Test for regression assumptions  Eliminate variables with multicollinearity OLS  No regression parameter for intercept No Intercept BEST MODEL: No intercept multiplicative model DATA:  Cross- sectional  50 states of the USA  Year: 2010  23 variables SOFTWARE:  WinORS

8 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 8 TERMPROJECT ECONOMETRIC MODEL Cobb-Douglas Production Function VariableDescriptionParameter Estimate FAFatal Car Accidents per 100,000 PeopleDEPENDENT TAverage Annual Temperature1.309 CPercent Cigarette Use in Adults 18+0.296 AAverage Age0.699 FBNumber of Foreign Born in Percent–0.169 VNumber of Motor Vehicles per Person0.442 DDrive Age (Full License)–1.994 MInterstate Miles per 1,000 Vehicles0.250 ELaw Enforcement Employees per 1,000 People0.298

9 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 9 TERMPROJECT RESULTS Is the Model Trustworthy? F-Value2,473.843 P-Value0.00001 R² (adjusted)99.753% EXPLANATORY POWER AUTOCORRELATION Does not exist in Ln model (No Durbin Watson) Average VIF 2.302 MULTICOLLINEARITY

10 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 10 TERMPROJECT Average Annual Temperature0.00001 Cigarette Use in Adults 18+ (%)0.02066 Average Age0.02066 Number of Foreign Born (%)0.00379 Number of Motor Vehicles per Person0.00500 Driving Age (Full License)0.00011 Interstate Miles per Vehicle0.00011 Law Enforcement Employees per Person0.00001 RESULTS Is the Model Trustworthy? STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE P-Value

11 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 11 TERMPROJECT RESULTS Is the Model Trustworthy? HOMOSKEDASTICITY White’s Test: 48.221 P-Value: 0.30597

12 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 12 TERMPROJECT RESULTS Is the Model Trustworthy? NORMALITY Correl. For Normality:0.9935 Critical Value:0.9840

13 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 13 TERMPROJECT RESULTS No Hypothesis Has Been Rejected H 1 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … weather and climatic conditions. NOT REJECTED H 2 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … the degree of drug and alcohol use. NOT REJECTED H 3 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … demographic factors. NOT REJECTED H 4 The number of fatal car accidents is explained by … driving-related factors. NOT REJECTED

14 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 14 TERMPROJECT 1 0 -2 CONCLUSIONS Elasticities Explain Impact on Fatal Car Accidents ELASTICITY Interstate Miles per Vehicle Average Annual Temperature Average Age Number of Foreign Born # of Motor Vehicles per Person Cigarette Use in Adults 18+ Driving Age (Full License) Law Enforcement Employees

15 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 15 TERMPROJECT POLICY IMPLICATIONS How to Survive in the US M O V E T O A C O L D S T A T E … … W H E R E Y O U N G P E O P L E L I V E T O G E T H E R … … W I T H L O T S O F I M M I G R A N T S … … T O O C O O L F O R C O P S … A LASKA M AINE U TAH C ALIFORNIA … A N D N O O N E S M O K E S ! T EXAS

16 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 16 TERMPROJECT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS How to Survive in the US A LASKA M AINE U TAH C ALIFORNIA T EXAS Whatever you do: Leave Rhode Island; wicked dangerous! And move to:

17 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 17 TERMPROJECT Thank you for your attention! Determinants of Fatal Car Accidents in the United States

18 Group 4 | Presentation on June 20, 2012 | 18 TERMPROJECT References  Injury Prevention and Control: Motor Vehicle Safety. Centers for Disease control and Prevetion.  Traffic safety facts: Crash Stats. US department of Transportation: National Highway Traffic Safety Administratio; 4/11.  Loeb,P. The Determinants of Automobile Accidents. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy; London School of Economics and Political Science. 21(3);1987:279-287  O’Donnell, C.J.Connor D. Predicting the severity of vehicle accident injuries using models of ordered multiple choice. Accident and Analysis Prevention; 28(6);1996:739-753  Fridstrom,L. Econometric models of road use, accidents, and road investment decisions. Institute of Transport Economics.1999:1-292  Ulfarsson, G; Mannering, F. Differences in male and female injury severity in sport utility vehicle, minivan, pickup, and passenger car accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 36(2);2004:135-147  Milton, J; Shankar, V; Mannering, f. Highway accident severities and the mixed logit model: An explanatory empirical analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 40(1);2008:260-266

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