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KNES 510 Research Methods in Kinesiology

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1 KNES 510 Research Methods in Kinesiology
Qualitative Research KNES 510 Research Methods in Kinesiology

2 Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
Qualitative research originated in the disciplines of anthropology and sociology Other terms include: ethnographic, cultural studies, interpretive, grounded, subjective, constructivist paradigm, naturalistic inquiry, phenomenological inquiry, postmodernism, postpositivism approach, post structuralism There are many types of qualitative research!

3 Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research, cont’d
Quantitative research – design and variables are defined before data are collected Qualitative research – design and variables are flexible

4 Some Characteristics of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Research component Qualitative research Quantitative experiment Focus Nature, essence How much, how many Sample Purposive, small Large, random, representative Data gathering Researcher is primary instrument Objective instrumentation Mode of analysis Inductive Deductive

5 Procedures in Qualitative Research
Define the problem Formulate questions and theoretical framework Collect data: Training and pilot work Selection of participants Entering the setting

6 Major Methods of Collecting Data
Interviews Individual/group Formal/informal Formal interviews generally use a pilot tested protocol Focus groups Observation Use of field notes

7 Data Analysis Data analysis is done during AND after data collection
This allows the study to change shape as data collection proceeds Interpretation of the data may include an analytical narrative and narrative vignette It may also include some elements of a quantitative analysis

8 Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research
Overall quality of results Can be further broken down to two questions Is it ethically conducted? Is the study competently conducted?

9 Four Issues—Is the Research Competently Conducted?
Credibility—accurate description of the subjects and setting Transferability—would the results be useful to those in other settings or conducting research in similar settings? Dependability—how well the researcher dealt with change Confirmability—could another individual confirm the results

10 Ways Researchers Provide Evidence of Trustworthiness
Prolonged engagement with the participants and setting Audit trail of changes during the study Providing a thick description of setting and context

11 Ways Researchers Provide Evidence of Trustworthiness, cont’d
Clarification of researcher bias is important since the researcher is the instrument often is discussed in method section of thesis or research report can’t control everything, but understanding bias and working to control it can help readers place faith in the results and conclusions

12 Ways Researchers Provide Evidence of Trustworthiness, cont’d
Triangulation of sources to support conclusions Negative case checking to see if phenomenon is as pervasive as thought Member checking to see if participants have information to add and agree with conclusions Peer debriefing to have colleague challenge results and researcher provide support

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