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Reading word of the day Click on the month. JanuaryFebruaryMarch.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading word of the day Click on the month. JanuaryFebruaryMarch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading word of the day Click on the month. JanuaryFebruaryMarch

2 Click on the date for the word of the day. January SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031

3 January 3 Word: Passage Definition: A portion of a story

4 January 4 Word: Context clues Definition: Information from the reading that identifies a word or a group of words

5 January 5 Word: Supporting details Definition: Details or facts that support the most important idea.

6 January 6 Word: text Definition: Main body of printed or written matter on a page

7 January 7 Word: antonym Definition: A word that is opposite of another word hot - cold

8 January 10 Word: synonym Definition: One of 2 or more words that have a similar meaning big – large skinny- thin

9 January 11 Word: prefix Definition: A group of letters placed before a word to alter its meaning. reread undo

10 January 12 Word: suffix Definition: A group of letters placed after a word to modify its meaning or change it into a different word group. actor likeness

11 January 13 Word: Root word Definition: A root word is one to which prefixes and suffixes can be added to form different words. dislike teacher

12 January 14 Word: inference Definition: A judgment based reasoning rather than on direct or explicit statement. A conclusion based on facts or circumstances; understandings gained by “reading between the lines.”

13 January 18 Word: generalize Definition: A conclusion, drawn from specific that is used to make a broad statement about a topic or person.

14 January 19 Word: Draw conclusions Definition: Making sense of information that is implied or inferred.

15 January 20 Word: Conflict resolution Definition: The way in which the author attempts to solve a problem created in the story.

16 January 21 Word: Main idea Definition: The main idea is the author’s central though; the chief topic of a text expressed or implied in a word or phrase; the topic sentence of a paragraph.

17 January 24 Word: genre Definition: A category used to classify literary works, usually by form, technique or content. 3/genres.htm 3/genres.htm

18 January 25 Word: Point of view Definition: The way in which an author reveals characters, events and ideas in telling a story; the vantage point from which the story is told. iewl.cfm iewl.cfm

19 January 26 Word: personification Definition: An object or abstract idea given human qualities or human form. The window winked at me.

20 January 27 Word: simile Definition: A comparison of 2 unlike things in which a word of comparison (like or as) is used. Busy as a bee Sly like a fox

21 January 28 Word: Figurative language Definition: Language that cannot be taken literally since it was written to create a special effect or feeling.

22 January 31 Word: alliteration Definition: The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words The sneaky snake slithered slowly.

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