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Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Seventh Grade Terra Nova Review Literary Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Seventh Grade Terra Nova Review Literary Terms."— Presentation transcript:


2 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Seventh Grade Terra Nova Review Literary Terms

3 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD JEOPARDY! 100 200 300 400 500 Sound Devices Literary Works Author’s Terms Literary Works II Extra Terms Story Terms

4 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

5 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is alliteration?

6 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD The repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (as wild and woolly, threatening throngs).

7 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is onomatopoeia?

8 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.

9 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is personification?

10 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form.

11 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is rhyme?

12 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD repetition of sounds at the ends of words

13 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is figurative language?

14 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD writing that is not meant to be taken literally

15 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is an autobiography?

16 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a person's life story (nonfiction)

17 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a biography?

18 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a person's life story told by another person (nonfiction)

19 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a drama?

20 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD fiction written to be performed by actors (plays)

21 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is fiction?

22 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD literature that is about imaginary characters and events, fake

23 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is nonfiction?

24 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD writing that presents and explains real people, places, or events, not fake

25 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is character?

26 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a person/animal who takes part in the action of a literary work

27 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is conflict?

28 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a problem in a story between characters

29 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is flashback?

30 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD an interruption in fiction that relates an event from an earlier time

31 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is foreshadowing?

32 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD the use of clues that suggest events that have yet to happen

33 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is symbolism?

34 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD When one thing represents something else

35 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a short story?

36 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a brief work of fiction

37 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a myth?

38 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a fictional story using gods and goddesses

39 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a fable?

40 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a story using animal characters that teaches a lesson

41 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is an anecdote?

42 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a brief story about an interesting or amusing event

43 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a novel?

44 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a long work of fiction

45 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is point of view?

46 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD the perspective from which a story is told

47 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is first person point of view?

48 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD When the narrator is in the story, pronouns such as I and we are used

49 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is omniscient point of view?

50 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD The narrator is all knowing

51 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is suspense?

52 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a feeling of anxious uncertainty about the outcome of events in a literary work

53 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is implied theme?

54 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a central message in a literary work that is not clearly stated, the reader must analyze what the author is trying to teach them

55 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is dialect?

56 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD the form of a language spoken by people in a certain region

57 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is genre?

58 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a type of literature

59 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is imagery?

60 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD a word/phrase that appeals to one or more of the five senses

61 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a simile?

62 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD comparison of two unlike things using like or as

63 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD What is a metaphor?

64 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD comparison of two unlike things NOT using like or as

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