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Chapter 5 Organizing and Writing Business Messages.

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1 Chapter 5 Organizing and Writing Business Messages

2 Chapter 5  Formal Research Methods  Accessing information on the Internet and in databases  Searching manually in books, articles, and other secondary sources  Primary research, such as using interviews and surveys  Experimenting scientifically

3 Chapter 5  Informal Research Methods  Searching in company files  Talking to supervisor/coworkers  Interviewing target audience  Conducting informal survey  Brainstorming for ideas

4 Chapter 5  Using Cluster Diagrams to Generate, Organize, & Classify Ideas  Identify topic to be researched  Write down any related idea that comes to mind  Join related items with lines

5 Chapter 5  Organizing Ideas in a Cluster Diagram  Analyze ideas generated in development of cluster diagram  Cross out ideas that are irrelevant; simplify & clarify  Add new ideas if appropriate  Study the ideas for similarities  Group similar ideas into classifications  Prepare an outline  Make sub-cluster circles around each classification for further visualization

6 Chapter 5  Tips for Outlining  Define the main topic (purpose of message) in the title  Divide the main topic into major components or classifications  Break each major component into subpoints  Avoid putting a single item under a major component  Make each component exclusive (no overlapping)  Use details, illustrations, and evidence to support subpoints

7 Chapter 5  Group Ideas into Patterns  Receptive audiences (use direct pattern)  Will audience be pleased?  Will audience be mildly interested?  Will audience be neutral?  Unreceptive audiences (use indirect pattern)  Will audience be displeased or disappointed?  Will audience be uninterested?  Will audience be hostile?

8 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Recognize phrases and clauses  Clauses have subjects and verbs; phrases do not  Independent clauses are complete; dependent clauses are not  Independent clause: They were eating pizza.  Phrases and dependent clauses cannot function as sentences  Dependent clause: that they want  Phrase: for a refund

9 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Avoid fragments (incomplete sentences)  Fragment: E-mail seems boring. When compared with Twitter.  Revision: E-mail seems boring when compared with Twitter.  Avoid run-on sentences (a sentence with two independent clauses but without a coordinating conjunction or semicolon)  Run-on: He posts updates hourly he’s always connected.  Revision: He posts updates hourly; he’s always connected.  Revision: He posts updates hourly, and he’s always connected.  Revision: He posts updates hourly. He’s always connected.

10 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Avoid comma splices (joining two independent clauses without using a coordinating conjunction)  Splice: Her BlackBerry is part of her, she can’t live without it.  Revision: Her BlackBerry is part of her; she can’t live without it.  Revision: Her BlackBerry is part of her. She can’t live without it.  Revision: Her BlackBerry is part of her, and she can’t live without it.

11 Chapter 5  Use Short Sentences Sentence LengthComprehension Rate 8 words100% 15 words90% 19 words80% 28 words50% Sentences under 20 words are most readable.

12 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Emphasize the most important ideas by using vivid words (preciseness)  Emphasize the main idea by labeling it  Emphasize the most important idea by placing it first or last in a sentence  Emphasize the most important idea by placing it in a simple sentence or in an independent clause  Emphasize the most important idea by making sure it is the subject of the sentence

13 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Use active-voice verbs for most sentences  We lost money.  John hit the ball.  Use passive-voice verbs to de-emphasize the performer or to be tactful  Money was lost.  The ball was hit by John.  Use active voice for directness, vigor, and clarity  Use passive voice to be tactful or to emphasize the action rather than the doer.

14 Chapter 5  Creating Effective Sentences  Avoid misplaced modifiers by keeping phrases close to the words they describe  Avoid dangling modifiers (a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence)

15 Chapter 5  Drafting Effective Paragraphs  Use the direct paragraph plan to define, classify, illustrate, or describe  Topic sentence, supporting sentences  Topic sentence, limiting sentence, supporting sentences  Use the pivoting paragraph plan to compare and contrast  Limiting sentences, topic sentence, supporting sentences  Use the indirect paragraph plan to explain and persuade  Supporting sentences, topic sentence

16 Chapter 5  Building Paragraph Coherence  Sustaining the key idea  Repeating or using similar words/expressions to drive home a point  Dovetailing sentences  Connecting ideas from one sentence to the next  Using pronouns  Help build continuity; avoid unnecessary repetition; make message more interesting  Including transitional expressions  Connect ideas from one paragraph to the next  Use short paragraphs to improve readability


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