By: Dotun Ogundeji.  Population Growth  Agricultural Revolution  Britain and Continental Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dotun Ogundeji.  Population Growth  Agricultural Revolution  Britain and Continental Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dotun Ogundeji


3  Population Growth  Agricultural Revolution  Britain and Continental Europe

4  In the 18 th century that the population grew  Reasons:  More reliable food sources  Earlier Marriage  Higher Birthrates  And Better Medicine  Migration into Cities

5  Began long before the 18 th century.  American crops  More cattle  Only wealthy could invest in new crops and new farming methods. They experimented with scientific farming methods.  Result was that there was more meat and milk

6  18 th century Britain’s role in the Industrial Revolution was significant because:  Economic growth, population growth, people with innovative minds, mining and metal industries, world’s largest merchant marine, fluid social structure, good water transportation system, unified market, highly developed commercial sector

7  More Deforestation  Cheap Labor such as:  Child labor  Irish Men and Women  American women  More demand for slaves after Child Labor Laws Passed  Disparities in income


9  Mass Production in Pottery  Mechanization within the Cotton Industry  Advances in the Iron Industry  New Inventions Such As:  Railroads and the Steam Engine

10  Was imported or handmade  Made for Aristocracy  Ordinary people could not afford it  First Pottery business was opened in 1759 by Josiah Wedgwood

11  During this time there was a higher demand for Cotton Mechanization of cotton textile led to much greater efficiency and lower prices.  England was responsible for the revolution of spinning cotton with new inventions such as:  Water Frame  Spinning Jenny

12  Iron had been used in Eurasia and Africa for thousands of years  Limited wood supplies and the high cost of skilled labor made iron a rare and valuable metal outside of China before the eighteenth century  In the 18 th century a series of inventions made it possible for the British to produce large amounts of cheap iron  Coke ( solid carbon material from ash)  Puddling (m etallurgy steel and iron making)  Bridge building  Crystal Palace

13 STEAM ENGINE  Was the most revolutionary invention of the Industrial Revolution  Was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1702-1712  And was later improved by James Watt in 1769  It allowed factories to be located where there was no animals, wind, water power RAILROAD  Was invented by Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson in 1800  Built high pressure steam engines used to power locomotives  Railways triggered Industrialization in iron and coal rich areas such as France, Belgium, the Ruhr, and Silesia

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