"Trust is the most important fundamental between leaders and among people. It is the cornerstone for building lasting relationships and growing successful.

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Presentation on theme: ""Trust is the most important fundamental between leaders and among people. It is the cornerstone for building lasting relationships and growing successful."— Presentation transcript:



3 "Trust is the most important fundamental between leaders and among people. It is the cornerstone for building lasting relationships and growing successful business enterprises. Dave shows you exactly how to build the eight pillars of trust and how to apply them for maximum effectiveness." - Dr. Nido Qubein, Chairman of Great Harvest Bread Co. and President of High Point University

4 Based in research but made practical and engaging for today’s leaders, Dave Horsager shows that trust is a measurable competency that brings dramatic results. CLARITY People trust the clear and mistrust the ambiguous. COMPASSION People put faith in those who care beyond themselves. CHARACTER People notice those who do what is right over what is easy. COMPETENCY People have confidence in those who stay fresh, relevant, and capable. COMMITMENT People believe in those who stand through adversity. CONNECTION People want to follow, buy from, and be around friends. CONTRIBUTION People immediately respond to results. CONSISTENCY People love to see the little things done consistently.

5 Dave has taken the platform across the U.S. and on 4 continents. He is a producer, professor, award-winning speaker and business strategist that researches and speaks on the bottom-line impact of trust. His new book, The Trust Edge, has just been released.


7 Dave Delivers: Your Results: Fun, Motivating and Inspiring Keynotes Customized Material Academic and Business Research Managerial and Entrepreneurial Experience Memorable Takeaways Real World Tactics Easy To Work With Approach Increased Revenue An Energized Staff Increased Productivity Consistently Higher Sales Increased Customer Loyalty More Successful Brands Stronger Internal and External Relationships



10 “Our only problem now is how to top Dave next year! --Managing Director, Wells Fargo “He didn’t just hit a home run, he hit a grand slam! Everyone from the CEO on down said he was enthralling.” --Director of Business Services, Sierra View Hospital “Informative and entertaining! We all walked away with some new tools to put to use in our everyday lives.” --Meeting Planner, Specialized Transportation, Inc.

11 With greater trust comes greater innovation, stronger brands, increased retention of good people, higher morale, multiplied productivity, better results, and a bigger bottom line. In the 21 st Century, trust has become the world’s most precious resource.


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