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Presentation on theme: " E nergy D ispersive X -ray Fluorescence Spectrometer E nergy D ispersive X -ray Fluorescence Spectrometer EDX-720 Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 E nergy D ispersive X -ray Fluorescence Spectrometer E nergy D ispersive X -ray Fluorescence Spectrometer EDX-720 Training

2 K L M An Atom Electrons Nucleus: Protons Neutrons Orbital or shell

3 K L M Atoms & Energy Atoms can absorb and release energy using electrons Atoms absorb energy by promoting an electron to a higher energy orbital Energy Atoms release energy by demoting electrons to a lower energy orbital

4 What are X-Rays?.......Energy

5 Two types of X-Rays Continuous X-rays vs. Characteristic X-rays High energy Broad spectrum Energy in Low energy Discrete spectrum Energy out

6 K L M X-ray Tube (Rh) DETECTER Energy Put into the System (Continuous X-ray) Energy Released from the System (Characteristic X-ray) Two types of X-Rays

7 Characteristic X-Rays Types of transitions

8 X-Ray Tube and Spectra How X-Rays are generated

9 SiLi Detector

10 Rh creates it own spectra Sensitivity is low in these areas Introducing a filter reduces the Rh background Increases Sensitivity! ! ! EDX-720 includes: Ag, Mo, MoNi, Ti AgMoTi MoNi Filters

11 Filters (Cont.)

12 With primary filter Without primary filter Filters (Cont.) X-ray tube consist of characteristic X-ray (Rh) and continuous X-rays. Continuous X-rays are background Filters decrease background

13 Intensity vs. Matrix Intensity and Density are inversely related Density affects the analyte’s ability to Fluoresce through the matrix

14 Air, Helium, or Vacuum: Elements in the range of Na – Sc Measurement under Helium or Vacuum Allows analysis of light elements whose x-ray emissions may be absorbed by air, and Increasing sensitivity for light elements Solid - Air, Vacuum, or Helium Liquid - Air, Helium Powder - Air, Helium Measurement Atmosphere

15 Types of Analyses Two Types of Analyses: Qual/Quant Quantitative Analysis Conditions: FP (Fundamental Parameters Calibration Curve Sample Form: Bulk Films Filter Paper

16 10 mm5 mm3 mm1 mm CCD Camera X Y X,Y Positioner Collimator Exchanger Hardware Accessories

17 Up to 16 samples Analysis in air Analysis under He/Vacuum for lighter elements Continuous measurement using a sample turret Sample Turret

18 Film (Covers) Sample Films and Containers

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