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Participial adjectives. Participial Adjectives look like verbs. However, they are adjectives, so they describe nouns (attributively or predicatively).

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Presentation on theme: "Participial adjectives. Participial Adjectives look like verbs. However, they are adjectives, so they describe nouns (attributively or predicatively)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participial adjectives

2 Participial Adjectives look like verbs. However, they are adjectives, so they describe nouns (attributively or predicatively). In English there are lots of -ed and -ing adjectives. They are very frequently used.

3 As we know, Paco doesn’t like flying. He has flown from the United States. He flew for several hours and he couldn’t sleep on the plane. Now he feels... These adjectives describe how Paco feels.

4 The man of the story thinks thunderstorms are interesting. His experience when he was a child was exciting These adjectives describe the nouns “thunderstorms” and “experience” and they cause the man feel interested in thunderstorms and excited when he underwent that experience.

5 -ed -ing (Past Participial Adj.)(Present Participial Adj.) bored(aburrido)boring (aburrido) amused (divertido)amusing (divertido) depressed (deprimido)depressing (deprimente) shocked (horrorizado)shocking (espeluznante) amazed (asombrado)amazing (asombroso) embarrassed (avergonzado)embarrassing (embarazoso) confused (confundido)confusing (confuso) frightened (asustado)frightening (espantoso) relaxed(relajado)relaxing (relajante) depressed (deprimido)depressing (deprimente) surprised (sorprendido)surprising (sorprendente) annoyed (enfadado, irritado)annoying (irritante) satisfied (satisfecho)satisfying (satisfactorio) entertained (entretenido, ameno)entertaining (entretenido) Some more examples of these adjectives are:

6 What’s the difference between the –ed and –ing form of adjectives? * -ed adjectives describe the way a person feels. * -ing adjectives describe the person or thing that causes the person’s feeling. If something is __________ing, it will make you feel ________ed.

7 A couple of more examples: Paco got shocked at the man’s story. He thinks natural disasters are shocking. Paco thinks History is interesting and amazing. He is interested in and amazed at History.

8 The coach was very worried, so he told the boys to run away. We were surprised at how soon it started to rain. The tornado was frightening, but we seemed to be safe under the canvas tent. We were tired and excited, the experience was exciting! At the same time, we were happy to be safe. It was amazing to see how the sun came out and dried our clothes as we walked to the car! Last two examples:

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