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-ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence amazed at someone I was amazed at my brother for winning the race. amazed.

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2 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence amazed at someone I was amazed at my brother for winning the race. amazed at something I’m amazed at the beauty of the mountains in Korea.

3 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence bored by someone/something (This is used with something that is always boring to you.) I’m bored by classical music. bored of someone/something (This is used with something you have been doing for a while but now you’re tired of.) I’m bored of studying English.

4 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence disappointed in someone I was disappointed in my brother for failing the test. disappointed with something I was disappointed with the movie. It was so boring.

5 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence excited about future event I’m excited about my trip to Europe this summer. excited by something the idea that the fact that I’m excited by good music. I’m excited by the idea that one day cars will fly. I’m excited by the fact that summer vacation will soon be here.

6 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence frightened of someonesomething I’m frightened of my father. I’m frightened of snakes. frightened by someonesomething (This is usually used when something frightened you suddenly, as a surprise.) I was frightened by my brother as I entered the room. I was frightened by the mouse as it ran over my foot.

7 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence interested in somethingsomeone I’m interested in computer science. I’m interested in my friend’s sister. interested in gerund (verb + ing) I’m interested in learning Chinese.

8 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence surprised by someone/something (no previous expectation) I was surprised by Jose. He is so kind. I was surprised by the cat when it jumped from behind the sofa. surprised at someone/something (previous expectation) I was surprised at Jose. He was so rude. I was surprised at my test score. I got an F.

9 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence terrified of someonesomething I’m terrified of my English professor. I’m terrified of ghosts. terrified at the thought of the possibility of I’m terrified at the thought of the world ending someday. I’m terrified at the possibility of not passing this class.

10 -ed Adjective + Preposition What comes after the preposition? SampleSentence tired of someonesomethinggerund (verb + ing) I’m tired of my girlfriend always calling me. I’m tired of English. I’m tired of doing so much homework.

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