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The First Two Party System. I. Thomas Jefferson.

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1 The First Two Party System

2 I. Thomas Jefferson



5 Believed, like many Enlightenment thinkers, that societies develop in stages. –Primitive –Agricultural –Commercial/War-Making –Decadence and Decline

6 I. Thomas Jefferson The purest of these stages is the agricultural phase, where citizens are independent, self-sufficient, and virtuous. As such, he envisioned the US as a nation of “yeoman farmers.”

7 II. Alexander Hamilton




11 Hamilton believed the US not only should, but HAD to advance to the Commercial/War-Making stage as quickly as possible. To do so, he wanted to make the national government exceptionally strong.

12 II. Alexander Hamilton His Federalist program included: –Assumption of state debts, and the creation of a permanent national debt –A Bank of the United States –Increased manufacturing How would these make the US a strong nation?

13 II. Alexander Hamilton Assumption of state debts, and creation of a national debt.

14 II. Alexander Hamilton –A Bank of the United States

15 II. Alexander Hamilton –Increased manufacturing

16 III. The Two Party System Enlightenment thinkers, included Jefferson, Hamilton and Washington, hated parties or, as they called them, “factions.” Why?

17 III. The Two Party System Nonetheless, parties did form (but not in the modern sense). Hamilton  leader of the Federalists Jefferson  leader of the Democratic Republicans (otherwise known as Jeffersonian Republicans)

18 III. The Two Party System Federalists –Loose Interpretation of Constitution –Support for England –Hierarchical understanding of society –Supporters: ?

19 III. The Two Party System Democratic Republicans –Strict interpretation of Constitution –Support for the French Revolution –Equality –Supporters: ?

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