Lecture Notes goes Online: E-Book Series from Springer Verlag ANKOS Conference, Ankara 6 June 2003 David Elek Springer-Verlag.

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1 Lecture Notes goes Online: E-Book Series from Springer Verlag ANKOS Conference, Ankara 6 June 2003 David Elek Springer-Verlag

2 2 Who is Springer ? Springer Verlag – one of the oldest and most prestigious journal publishers in the world. (Springer is the German word for Knight in chess) Headquarters – Heidelberg (ancient university city), Germany Other offices – Berlin, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, New Delhi Journals and books are nearly all in English Key subject areas – medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, geosciences, engineering, computer science

3 3 Springer Publications 19.000 Books available 2.000 New Books published in 2002 500 Journals 432 available via [3Link] (May 2003) 22 Book Series available via [3Link] 6 Expert Systems

4 4 LINK - Online Libraries 11 Online Libraries Contents accessible via Online Libraries: Journals or Book Series with: –General information –Instructions for authors –Table of contents –Abstracts –Full texts (prior to delivery of printed issue)

5 5 Forum for Science - Online Libraries

6 6 ANKOS consortium has been using Springer journals since 2001 with great success. In 2003, some member libraries enquired about access to Springer E-Book Series. Until then, only METU and Tubitak-Ulakbim had subscriptions to the paper versions of some of the Book Series. From March – May 2003, all 34 ANKOS members who use Springer Link tested the Book Series on a free trial. Springer and ANKOS

7 7 Trial Results TitleTotal no. of full-text downloads Total

8 8 LNCS The Computer Science Library of Springer book series with over 1.000 online vols + over 2.300 print vols proceedings, post proceedings, text books, monographs, edited volumes, Festschrift volumes reports latest results from all areas of computer science and information technology research, development and education for researchers in academia and industry

9 9 LNCS The Computer Science Library of Springer Forum of 50.000 authors worldwide Prestigious and world-renowned editorial board State-of-the art production technology Powerful online search in [ SpringerLink ] Free Alert Services SpringerAlert + [ SpringerLink ]

10 10 LNCS: What is available Print Version 2331 print volumes over 100.000 individual articles product info: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html Online version 1088 volumes => 36.000 fulltext articles data coverage 1982-2003 fully indexed + searchable in [ SpringerLink ] over 5 mio page hits/month online content: http://link.springer.de/series/lncs/ http://link.springer-ny.com/series/lncs/

11 11 LNCS Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI –643 Volumes available (status March 2003) New in 2003: Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics LNBI –scheduled to start with 3-4 vols –state-of-the-art research results in bioinformatics and computational biology

12 12 Special offer for ANKOS members ONLINE ACCESS OFFER 2003 This offer is for a minimum of 5 ANKOS institutions – not each of which have to take the same package. Any current print standing orders held by members must not be cancelled.

13 13 Chemistry package Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology reviews actual trends in modern biotechnology. Its aim is to cover all aspects of this interdisciplinary technology. The series is also is of interest to those working in the fields of Engineering and Life Sciences. EUR 790,00* 5 volumes scheduled for 2003 15 volumes online available (1999-2002) Advances in Polymer Science presents critical reviews of the recent and future trends in polymer and biopolymer science including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and material science. EUR 1049,00* 7 volumes scheduled for 2003 30 volumes online available (1997-2002) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry provides the compilation of today’s knowledge. It is aimed not only at scientists but also environmental managers and decision makers in the area of Environmental Sciences and Life Sciences. EUR 599,00* 5 volumes scheduled for 2003 9 volumes online available (1999-2002) Molecular Sieves covers, in a comprehensive manner, all aspects of the rapidly developing science and technology of zeolites and related microporous crystalline materials. The series will also be of relevance to those working in the fields of Engineering and Physics. EUR 269,00* 1 volume scheduled for 2003 6 volumes online available (1998-2002)

14 14 Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science publishes topic- related volumes in the area of colloid and polymer science and its interdisciplinary interactions. EUR 298,00* 2 volumes scheduled for 2003 10 volumes online available (1999-2002) Structure & Bonding publishes critical reviews on topics of research concerned with chemical structure and bonding. EUR 299,00* 2 volumes scheduled for 2003 10 volumes online available (1999-2002) Topics in Current Chemistry presents critical reviews of present and future trends in modern chemical research, including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine and materials science. EUR 899,00* 6 volumes scheduled for 2003 29 volumes online available (1997-2002) Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as medicine, biology, materials and organic synthesis. EUR 719,00* 4 volumes scheduled for 2003 4 volumes online available (1998-2002) Chemistry package

15 15 Computer Science Package The scope of LNCS focusing on artificial intelligence spans the entire field of computer and information technology. EUR 16.500,00* 310 volumes scheduled for 2003 865 volumes online available (1982-2002) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences reports on new developments in the fields of control and information sciences. Those working in the fields of Engineering and Mathematics will also find this journal of interest. EUR 1000,00* 12 volumes scheduled for 2003 42 volumes online available (1999–2002) Computer Science Package – 2 Book Series Normal price per institution: € 17.500,- Special offer price per institution: € 7.999,-

16 16 Physics Package The series represents the latest developments in solid state physics. EUR 149,00* 1 volume scheduled for 2003 1 volume online available (2001) Lecture Notes in Physics reports on new developments in physics research and teaching. EUR 1700,00* 25 volumes scheduled for 2003 58 volumes online available (2000-2002) The Summer School sessions are aimed primarily towards advanced students and young postdoctoral researchers, willing to deepen their knowledge or to start in a new field. EUR 198,00* 2 volumes scheduled for 2003 Each book presents a comprehensive survey of a selected topic within the broad area of applied physics and is addressed to all scientists at universities and in industry who wish to keep abreast of advances in applied physics. EUR 798,00* 6 volumes scheduled for 2003 11 volumes online available (2000-2002)

17 17 Teşekkürederim !

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