Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School January 8, 2015.

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1 Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School January 8, 2015

2 Preliminaries  In your small groups, read their odes from the previous night’s homework.  In their journals, respond to the following prompt: “How has writing an ode about a common object changed your view of the object?”  Share.

3 Objectives:  The students will be able to identify the perspective of a speaker.  The students will be able to connect the perspective to the poet’s feelings and possible reasons behind the writing of the poetry.  The students will be able to explain how gender and experience influence a poem.

4 Focus Lesson: Expressions…  Literary Terms  Prose poem  Soliloquy  Dramatic monologue  Allusion  Dialect  Small Groups:  Each group will be assigned one of the following poems:  “Hands: For Mother’s Day,” p. 84  “Lucinda Matlock,” p. 85  “Thinkin’ on Marryin’,” p. 91–92  “Same Song,” p. 462.

5 Focus Lesson: Expressions…  Small Groups (con’t.)  In your groups, select someone to read the group’s assigned poem aloud.  Respond to the questions about your text on the handout (exit ticket).  Class (BONUS)  One student from each group will read their poem/text to the class.  Discuss responses to the questions. After the final group (“Thinkin’ on Marryin’”) has presented, discuss how this text informs the reading of the excerpt from “Hands: For Mother’s Day.”

6 Focus Lesson: Expressions…  Review of Reading Strategy  Pictures and captions  Title  Biographical information  “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?”  Small Groups:  Divide the class into 1/3s.  Each group will be assigned one of the following poems:  “A Storm in the Mountains” (Elements… p. 459)  “Eating Together” (Elements… p. 466)  “The Legend” (Elements… pp. 472-3)  Each group will establish the perspective of their respective poem by completing the poetry analysis form (exit ticket)  Gallery walk.

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