Applied Economics Concentration

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1 Applied Economics Concentration
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Degree Programme HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY

2 What is Applied Economics?
Use economic reasoning to solve real-life problems (e.g., procurement, housing and employment) Use empirical evidence to support this reasoning Make actionable recommendations Dr. CK Woo applied auction theory to cut a Florida utility’s annual procurement costs by US$500,000 – US$1 million via Internet-based bidding

3 Why choose Applied Economics?
Programme designed to help you succeed Courses address changing economic/market conditions Faculty with applied research, industry and government experience Excellent career prospects Financial analyst Risk management consultant Business economist Auditor Executive officer in HK government Educator Admission to top overseas graduate schools (Stanford, Rochester, UW-Madison, U of Texas, Warwick, Indiana, USC,) and local institutions (HKU, CUHK and HKUST)

4 2012-2013 job placement statistics
Among those employed, 95% joined the private sector Management/admin: 30% Marketing / customer service: 22% Banking/finance:17% Accounting: 13% Graduate study at overseas universities such as Stanford, Rochester, UW-Madison, U of Texas, Warwick, Indiana, USC and local higher education institutions such as HKU, Chinese U of HK, HKUST

5 2012-2013 job placement statistics
5 For those employed, the median income is HK$13,025/month Higher than an average degree holder’s monthly earnings of HK$12,778 The median and mean monthly income of AECON graduates ranks 1st or 3rd among all BBA concentrations The most frequent salary range: HK$14,000 – 15,999 (42%). The only BBA concentrations in this range.

6 Graduate Study The percentage of graduates pursuing further study ranks 1st among all BBA concentrations Admission to top overseas graduate schools Recommended by Prof. C.K. Woo, Dr. Shui-Ki Wan and Dr. Weiwei Weng, Qingran Li is the first HKBU School of Business student to be admitted to Stanford in 2013. Other top AECON graduates: Eri Cai (UT Dallas, with scholarship) Shiyao Li (Wisconsin) Our outstanding graduate, Qingran Li (left), Eri Cai (upper right) and Shiyao Li (lower right), were admitted to top U.S. graduate schools.

7 What skills will you gain?
Quantitative Analytical mind-set Mathematical tools for clear, logical thinking Practical skills in data collection, presentation and interpretation Qualitative Confidence in solving problems, managing projects and building client relationships Sharp communication and concise writing skills Understanding of key issues in Hong Kong and neighbouring regions Specific areas of expertise (e.g., banking, trade and regional development) Integration of other business courses (e.g., accounting, management and finance)

8 Core courses Year 2 Year 1 Intermediate Microeconomics
Principles of Economics I Principles of Economics II Year 2 Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Applied Econometrics (statistical tools for analysing economic data)

9 Concentration electives (any 4)
Macroeconomic analysis and policies International Trade, International Financial Economics, Money and Banking, Crisis Economics, Public Finance Industry analysis Industrial Organisation and Business Decisions, Real Estate Economics, Economics of Human Resources Quantitative analysis for business and financial management Economic and Business Forecasting, Introduction to Technical Analysis Economic strategy and decision-making Games and Economic Decisions, Mathematical Analysis for Economics Regional economics Chinese Economic Developments, Money and Finance in China, Asia-Pacific Economies, Economics of Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta

10 Our students’ academic excellence
HKSAR Government Scholarship BOCHK Charitable Foundation-HKBU Scholarship Mrs. Shuen Cheung Mo-hang Outstanding Student Scholarship Mr. Lui Ming Fong Memorial Scholarship Madam K.S. Fung Wu Memorial Scholarship Wofoo Foundation Outstanding Leaders Awards Admission Scholarship Scheme of HKBU Professor Herbert Tsang Scholarship CV Starr Scholarship Fund In , 14 BBA Applied Economics students received scholarships totalling HK$490,600

11 Student achievement Lui Yiu-lim (centre) and 2 BBA students bested 28 local university teams to win The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) Corporate Governance Paper Competition 2011

12 Student achievement In the Mathematical Contest in Modelling (organised by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications), teams from around the world solve real-world problems using mathematical tools In 2012, the HKBU team was the only Hong Kong team in the Contest and one of 10 winning teams Li Qingran is the first HKBU School of Business student to be admitted to Standard University. Li Qingran (centre), teamed with 2 Physics students, was awarded Outstanding Winner in the 2012 Mathematical Contest in Modelling

13 Scholarships and Awards
Entrance scholarships for Year 2 AECON students HK$5000 each for students’ academic excellence To be offered separately for (i) JUPAS & non-JUPAS and (ii) Mainland students Awards/Prizes for Year 3 & 4 AECON students HK$3000 each for students’ academic excellence

14 Thank you! Q&A session

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