FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 1 FeWo – Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted by: Souleymane Camara (France) and.

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Presentation on theme: "FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 1 FeWo – Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted by: Souleymane Camara (France) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 1 FeWo – Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted by: Souleymane Camara (France) and Tobias Engle (Germany) Coordinated by Elisa del Galdo (UK) User Experience Consultants elisa@delgaldo.co.uk +44 (0)118 948 1450

2 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 2 Objectives 1.Do users understand, find usable or have a preference for a filter style (top vs. side) 2.Can users complete the task flow and understand the next steps once they’re done. 3.What are the usability and design issues users encounter in their task journey? Navigation, Presentation, and Interaction 4.Are there any issues with content? 5.How satisfied are users with the overall user experience - in particular, task length, task complexity. 6.Do users understand and recognise all of the HomeAway (Abritel / FeWo) products.?

3 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 3 Test Format and Participants Remote tests using WebEx to allow participants to view and control the computer displaying the website (new vs. old versions) 8 participants in DE (4 Female and 4 Male) and 4 participants in FR (6 total French participants with 2 drops outs). Note that recruitment of participants in Europe has proven to be very difficult. Sending recruitment emails from the usability consultants (as we do for the US and UK) does not work for German or French participant recruitment. German and French participants are more wary of the recruitment emails and as a result, did not respond. Changing the recruitment email to come directly from HomeAway increased the number of respondents greatly for Germany, but unfortunately not for France. Even those French participants that did respond positively, a number of which failed to keep their appointments for participation. German participants: 5 were renters only and 2 were owners only. One is renter and owner French Participants: 4 were renters/owners

4 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 4 Overall Findings

5 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 5 General Findings those Related to Market Differences (1) DE: While individual findings and comments on the following pages might be attributable to either the German or French market, the overall theme of the findings is very similar. We therefore draw the same conclusions and offer the same recommendations for both markets. DE: Users felt that they could eventually find the information they needed. The hierarchy presented was not ideal. The most important information was not placed in the screen where it would be most visible. FR: Users responded that filters were very good and comprehensive overall. But selections or filter results are not in the order of their priority as specified by the user. It is not clear which filter is applied first and what is the rationale for ordering the results. Exact matches are not easily identifiable. FR: The users stated that it felt as it the sorting mechanism did not work as expected, it was annoying to try to compare property prices when prices are presented in different units. FR: User felt is was frustrating to have a search return properties that where bigger than what was requested. There is so much information on the detail page that it would be easier to provide a navigation that is tab based.

6 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 6 General Findings those Related to Market Differences (2) DE: users want to be able to specify a number of criteria for searching and filtering and then be able to easily understand how the filters were applied. FR: Key information should also be place up front. Title, photos, description, locations, prices, points of interests and what is included in the prices are key information users need up front in addition to their specified criteria Each property should indicate how it matches a user's criteria specified. FR: Users like the overall layout and found it easy to use the main features. The like the level of details except when there is a lack of it. DE: Users want as much information about a property as they can get – before having to contact the owner

7 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 7 Findings Related Filters (1) DE: the link ‘weiterlesen’, meaning ‘read on’ in the old design was not visible due to its small size. DE: the old version of the entry/date fields were more visible Pricing of properties must be comparable. Properties priced differently – by the day or week etc. can not be compared as they are not comparing the same price basis. DE: Many participants were not sure how to view and use the dropdown for sorting DE: Some user didn’t see the search bar and some did not see the date fields. FR: Users liked the indication of minimum number of days for rental FR: All users liked the categorization of the filters and that there were many choices under each.

8 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 8 Findings Related Filters (2) FR: the most commonly used filters were – price, number of rooms, number of beds, popular FR: Users found the more descriptive property titles very helpful in scanning the results of search. As the titles were a mini-summary of the properties key features. But this was not consistent throughout the site. FR: The execution of the selected filters is not correct and is misleading. It is not clear to users what filters have been applied, and why the result contains properties that do not match their criteria. e.g., when a user asks for 6 people, they get results referring to 4 people. Or when they ask for 2 nights, they get results referring to 3 or 6 night. FR: Exact matches where expected to be first on the list. Users tended to ignore the right-hand panel (assuming it is just advertising) and miss all content placed with the ads. There are sessions where users did not see the filters – one had used the site several times and only seen the filters during the testing session. The contrast and presentation of the filters must compete with other more dominant imagery of the properties, so it must be ‘bold’ so that users see it immediately.

9 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 9 Findings Related to Maps Sometimes advertised areas or regions are not accurate and the properties can sometimes be a long way from where they are described to be. DE: The ‘zoom’ mechanism for the maps and how the maps (and their assigned properties) perform is confusing to users FR: The map did not appear to be an important feature to participants, none looked for the map unless they were asked. FR: Users were confused by the different shapes of blue dots, and felt there was a lack of information. Maps did not contain any information about the surrounding area – things to do and see.

10 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 10 Findings Related to Featured Properties DE: participants expected the featured properties to be more expensive. They also felt that they would not match their search criteria and it was too ‘much work to investigate further. FR: Users were indifferent to the featured properties – they felt these properties didn’t match their search criteria and the small description did not reflect what they were looking for. FR: Those that clicked on the featured properties were participants who did not have a specific place or property type in mind.

11 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 11 Findings Related to Trust DE: The expectation of the ‘Featured’ properties is that users were being ‘up sold’ and that the owners of the properties paid more to have them there. They felt they knew that these were not necessarily a better deal and may not even fit their requirements. DE: Inconsistent patterns of pricing and hidden costs erode trust as it looks ‘sneaky’ DE: Properties are not being displayed properly (advertised location vs. location on map provided). DE: Property titles that were either misleading, faulty or meaningless or were poorly translated eroded trust DE: participants did not trust the Book Now/Direct

12 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 12 Findings Related to Content - Property Details (1) FR: a missing item of the property description information on the surrounding area, transport system, points of interest, things to do, attractions. FR: Descriptions were ‘light’ on information and they wanted more before they would contact the owner DE: Participants found the amount of information was sufficient FR: users found the layout of the first half of the page to be well laid out and useful – espcially the box on the right that summarised the property key features. FR: The overall structure of the property details page was found to be difficult to read and navigate. There was too much scrolling up and down (perhaps tabs would be a better solution) FR: The contact details of the property owners should be placed in the right hand panel FR & DE: Size and quality of photos is good as well as filters, descriptive property titles, and the structured content box on the right hand side of the details page FR: The feature indicating when a property can be booked online was immediately visible and very like by all users. DE: Participants had issues with the poor quality of automatic translations

13 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 13 Findings Related to Content - Property Details (2) FR: The expectation for pricing is that prices would be based on the same measure of time, e.g., Have a monthly price, weekend or per day price and a weekly price. Users find it difficult to compare properties or understand at a glance if the property is in their price range. DE: Participants did not understand the meaning of ‘+’ in relation to number of bedrooms DE: Users wanted to specify the number of bathrooms DE: Only a few participants Viewed properties via the gallery, map or favourites DE: First impressions count! The first picture the user sees of the property must be of high quality and a relevant image – showing the property at its best. Users may disregard a property at first glance if the image is poor or unattractive. Vague details, such as ‘TV available’ are not sufficient. If the renter does not speak the local language and wants to watch a TV they will be unable to determine if this is sufficient.

14 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 14 Other Findings FR: Some users were under the impression that registration was mandatory and struggled to understand why they were being asked to register when they had not found or even searched a property. FR: Advertising on the site was not viewed favourably and felt that the interaction should be from and between private renters and owners. DE: the comparison option was not popular. DE & FR: participants experienced a number of ‘bugs’

15 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 15 Recommendations

16 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 16 Recommendations Allow users to loosen (too few results returned) or tighten (too many results returned) their criteria after receiving their results. Do not return results that are beyond their search criteria or filter selection. Too many results returned makes it difficult for users to cope with making a selection. Provide a mechanism to easily increase or decrease the values for filters while viewing the results page- and show the results on the same page. Allow users to select or determine the pricing model that they want to see – e.g., by week, by day, by night the user has requested Ensure that they map also highlights areas and attractions of interest in the area. Also – advise owners to provide this information in their listing. Provide a mechanism to connect the attraction etc. to a point on the map. Ensure that there is a legend for the icons and symbols on the map. Ensure that there is an explanation of how the map details will change when it is expanded or contracted. Encourage owners to provide more information needed in the property description in general. For example, how many beds and size in each room; are there wardrobes in the bedrooms; what is included in the property price; is the swimming pool shared; is the property completely detached or part of a building, etc. Renters, in general do not want to have to contact owners for more information. Create a consistent and immediately accessible placement for the contact details. The right hand panel appeared to be the expected placement.

17 FeWo - Abritel Usability Test Results Conducted October, 2013 Page 17 Recommendations (2) Create a standard format for a location description that is ‘filled in’ by the owners, but with the ability to add extra detail. There is a fundamental mismatch in the result set with the filters selected. At the moment the system does not seem to indicate the priority of the selected filters. Allow users to set what are the most important filters and in which order. Alternatively, set the order of importance and indicate so. Also, ensure the results rank exactly matched items first. There is a fundamental mismatch in the result set with the filters selected. At the moment the system does not seem to indicate the priority of the selected filters. Allow users to set what are the most important filters and in which order. Limit the number of month boxes indicating when the property is available. Show no more than a month or two beyond the date specified. Ensure prices are in relevant currency or provide a conversion tool. Review the presentation of items, patterns, icons, images and controls on the site as some important content or controls is easily missed as other imagery (e.g., images of homes) is much more compelling and draws the users attention. The filter location at the top and horizontal may be more appropriate if it was implemented using checkboxes instead of drop downs.

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