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2 Question 1 Define Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space

3 A substance has ___definite_____________ composition. A mixture has _____variable________ composition. Question 2

4 Give two examples of an element. gold, hydrogen, oxygen etc. Question 3

5 Paint and glue are examples of __colloids__________. Question 4

6 Malleability, solubility and density are all examples of ___physical properties__. Question 5

7 Water and salt are both examples of ____compounds__________. Question 6

8 The process used to separate substances using the physical property of boiling point is called ___________________. Represented in the apparatus below: Distillation Question 7

9 What are the two types of mixtures? Heterogeneous and homogeneous Question Next

10 What are the 5 indicators that a chemical reaction has taken place? Question 8 Gives off light Gives off heat Gas formation Precipitate forms Change in Color

11 If 18 g of hydrogen react completely with 633g of chlorine, how many grams of HCl are formed? (do not do calculation) What information/law/principle do you know that could help you solve the above problem? The Law of Conservation of Mass Question 10

12 Fill in the missing parts of the Kinetic Theory: 1. All matter is made of smaller particles. 2. The particles are in constant random motion. 3. The particles are colliding with each other and the walls of the container. Question 11

13 Define a solid and give an example. Question 12 Matter that has a definite shape and volume Ex. Desk, rock, etc

14 Define gas and give an example. matter that has not definite shape or volume Ex. Oxygen, hydrogen, helium Question 13

15 What is the most common state/phase of matter in the universe? plasma Question 14

16 Phase Change of Matter/water (also shows a direct relationship ) What does this graph show/what could I call it? Question 15

17 When a solid changes to a gas, this process is called ________________? sublimation Question 16

18 When a gas is changed into a liquid, this process is called ____________. Condensation Question 17

19 Define Pressure- a force applied over a unit of area P=F/A Question 18

20 What is buoyancy or buoyant force? The ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object immersed in it or equal to the weight of the fluid displace by the object Question 19

21 What principle or law allows a boat to float? Archimedes’ Question Next

22 What Principle allows a plane to take off? Bernoulli’s Principle Question 20

23 A 4 wheeler tire has a pressure of 500 KPa and a volume of 200 mL. If the pressure in the tire is increased to 600 KPa, what's the new volume of the tire? Question 21

24 A force is applied on piston B that is 16,000 N. The area is 2,000 m2. Piston A has a surface area of 50 m2. What is the force that has to be applied on piston A to lift the object on piston B? Question 22

25 If a factory lift is used to raise a load of 2225 N on a piston that has an area of 706.8 cm 2. How much pressure does the lift’s engine need to exert on the hydraulic fluid to lift the required load? Question 23

26 If a 5 L balloon at 25 °C was gently heated to 30 °C, what new volume would the balloon have? Question 24

27 A. What Law is used to solve the question below? B. SOLVE COMPLETELY !: A basketball at 16 °C contains 1030 mL of air. Your friend is trying to be funny and hides the ball in the freezer. It's temperature decreased down to 8 0 C. What would be the new volume of the basketball? BAZINGA: CHALLENGE

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