Trident Project Managing an Extensible Digital Repository David Kennedy.

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Presentation on theme: "Trident Project Managing an Extensible Digital Repository David Kennedy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trident Project Managing an Extensible Digital Repository David Kennedy

2 Digital Collections @ Duke Scaling Up Trident Project What’s new

3 Digital Collections @ Duke Boy covered by dirt smoking cigarette with one hand, holding can of tobacco in other. Digital Scriptorium - 1995 1997 – DynaWeb Early 2000s – mainstream digital collections 2007 - Tripod

4 Scaling Up Organization – DPC, DCAG, DCIT – Digital Collections Coordinator View showing interior of Chapel. Large window in the rear of Choir. 0417WC0421



7 Apache Solr Search server / index engine with XML API Apache Cocoon App framework / XSLT engine XML Document base METS, TEI

8 Tripod Cross searching of collections Faceted browsing, term clouds, 3D Wall Image, Video, Audio, Text Content – advertisements, ration coupons, photographs, maps, sports footage, sheet music, letters, diaries, etc. Integration with other platforms – Flickr, YouTube, iTunes

9 2008 Tripod til now Migrated 90,000 items Added 13 new collections and 12,000 items 35 collections total, 28 cross searchable Digitization rate = 5 min per image (scan + QC) 1.5 TB Vica contre le service secret anglais

10 Looking ahead Mass digitization! On demand 156 TB/year Real time publication More multimedia Laborers Working

11 Needs Robust and extensible repository Software to aid process

12 Trident “Metadata tool that scales…” Hire 2 programmers TJ Dave Will

13 Modest goals Create a metadata tool that can be reused with any schema Develop modular architecture with parts that could be swapped out Open source whatever we do Lower cost of ownership of Fedora

14 Architecture

15 Web Services API

16 Repository

17 Metadata Application Profiles Metadata editing page built on the fly Built using metadata application profile Includes metadata validation Includes instruction on how to edit metadata MetadataFormDefinition + Metadata = MetadataForm

18 MetadataFormDefinition

19 ValidationRules

20 Metadata

21 MetadataForm

22 Edit Form


24 Editor




28 Trident Project Prototype = Broadsides Collection Migrate existing collections Package software Digitization/QC workflow tool Discovery layer redesign…

29 Demo (demo by Sean Aery)

30 Wrap up Does it scale beyond Duke’s walls?

31 Questions David Kennedy ( Sean Aery (

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