Zampelas A, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, Chrysohoou C, Stefanadis C. Associations between coffee consumption and inflammatory markers in healthy persons:

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1 Zampelas A, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, Chrysohoou C, Stefanadis C. Associations between coffee consumption and inflammatory markers in healthy persons: the ATTICA study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80:862-7. De Bacquer D, Clays E, Delanghe J, De Backer G. Epidemiological evidence for an association between habitual tea consumption and markers of chronic inflammation. Atherosclerosis. 2006;189:428-35.

2 Background Inflammation is important to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The effect of coffee consumption on the cardiovascular system is conflicting. Inflammation is important to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The effect of coffee consumption on the cardiovascular system is conflicting. Tea consumption has been inversely related to the risk of CVD. In vitro and animal model studies suggest an anti- oxidative and/or anti-inflammatory role of tea. Tea consumption has been inversely related to the risk of CVD. In vitro and animal model studies suggest an anti- oxidative and/or anti-inflammatory role of tea.

3 Background - Acute phase response Mononuclear cell Stromal cell Systemic inflammatory response Local response Site of injury Tissue oedema Pain Acute phase proteins (APPs) production Haematological changes Fever Inappetite Depression ↑ Cortisol Redness NO IL-1 TNF  IL-6 TNF  IL-1 IFNγ Liver

4 Coffee drinking Design: 1514 men and 1528 women. No history of CVD. Blood consentrations of APPs. Design: 1514 men and 1528 women. No history of CVD. Blood consentrations of APPs. Results: Coffee drinkers (>200 ml/d) vs. nondrin. Results: Coffee drinkers (>200 ml/d) vs. nondrin. C-reactive protein (CRP) higher (p<0.05) C-reactive protein (CRP) higher (p<0.05) serum amyloid-A (SAA) higher (p<0.05) serum amyloid-A (SAA) higher (p<0.05) The findings were significant after control of age, sex, smoking, body mass index, physical activity status, and other covariates The findings were significant after control of age, sex, smoking, body mass index, physical activity status, and other covariates Conclusions: A relation exists between moderate- to-high coffee consumption and increased inflammation process. This relation could explain, the effect of increased coffee intake on the CVD Conclusions: A relation exists between moderate- to-high coffee consumption and increased inflammation process. This relation could explain, the effect of increased coffee intake on the CVD

5 Tea drinking Design: 1031 healthy men in a larger cross- sectional study. Blood APPs concentrations. Design: 1031 healthy men in a larger cross- sectional study. Blood APPs concentrations. Results: Tea drinkers were less obese, smoked less and drank less alcohol and coffee. Results: Tea drinkers were less obese, smoked less and drank less alcohol and coffee. CRP, SAA and haptoglobin were significantly negatively associated with tea consumption. CRP, SAA and haptoglobin were significantly negatively associated with tea consumption. Multivariate analysis did confirm the independence of the observed beneficial role of tea drinking. Multivariate analysis did confirm the independence of the observed beneficial role of tea drinking. Coffee drinking unrelated to inflammation. Coffee drinking unrelated to inflammation. Conclusion: Tea drinking might be of interest in reducing the inflammatory process underlying cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: Tea drinking might be of interest in reducing the inflammatory process underlying cardiovascular disease.

6 Casual diagram Coffee Tea APP Conc. APP Conc. CVD risk CVD risk Inflammatory stimulus CVD risk factors – confounders e.g. BMI, sex, smoking etc. - +

7 Bovine respiratory disease complex - BRD BRD is a multifactorial disease complex, caused by a variety of etiological agents which acts synergistically (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas). BRD is a multifactorial disease complex, caused by a variety of etiological agents which acts synergistically (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas). Environmental and husbandry factors as Environmental and husbandry factors as well as impaired resistance of calves to infections are involved as predisposing factors

8 APPs in cattle Serum amyloid A (SAA) Haptoglobin AGP Albumin

9 Material and methods Serum samples (40 rearing units, 10 calves from unit = 400 calves) – SAA conc., viral antibodis. Serum samples (40 rearing units, 10 calves from unit = 400 calves) – SAA conc., viral antibodis. 1. sampling (acute BRD) 1. sampling (acute BRD) 2. sampling (after 3-4 week, more chronic BRD) 2. sampling (after 3-4 week, more chronic BRD) Clinical inves., tracheobronchial lavage, weight gain between samplings Clinical inves., tracheobronchial lavage, weight gain between samplings Linear mixed models (unit and sampling time as random factors), SAA log. transformation, age and clinical status of calves controlled in models Linear mixed models (unit and sampling time as random factors), SAA log. transformation, age and clinical status of calves controlled in models

10 SAA association to weight gain (2. sampling) factorncoef. p-value (kg) weight-gain (kg)384-0.404 0.017 0.017 Mean weight gain between to samplings 0.806 (+/- 0.336) kg

11 Farm factors effect to SAA concentrations during BRD (1. sampling) factor n (unit) coef. p-value draw 0.0 m/s 25 0.1-0.9 m/s 12 0.297 0.2970.019 >0.9 m/s 3 0.476 0.4760.023 BAV pos. 20 0.371 0.3710.002 BCV pos. 19 0.219 0.2190.052 automatic feeding 16 0.196 0.1960.092 separating sick calves 6-0.5520.000 use of floor covers 2-0.6320.017

12 Farm factors effect to SAA concentrations during BRD (2. sampling) factor n (unit) coef. coef. p-value automatic feeding 16 0.446 0.4460.012 PIV-3 pos. 21 0.334 0.3340.054 BRSV PCR pos. 1 0.511 0.5110.042

13 Farm factors effect to SAA concentrations during BRD (both samplings) factor n (unit) coef. p-value automatic feeding 16 0.296 0.2960.009 separating sick calves 6-0.4290.006 BAV pos. 20 0.215 0.2150.059 PIV-3 pos. 21 0.219 0.2190.048

14 Casual diagram SAA Conc. Farm factors Confounders e.g. Age of calves, clinical disease, season etc. Respiratory infections Effect of BRD to production

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