International Standards for Food Quality and Safety – Accomplishments of the Codex Alimentarius Commission International Symposium on Food Safety Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "International Standards for Food Quality and Safety – Accomplishments of the Codex Alimentarius Commission International Symposium on Food Safety Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Standards for Food Quality and Safety – Accomplishments of the Codex Alimentarius Commission International Symposium on Food Safety Standards and Risk Management Samuel Godefroy, Ph.D. Director General, Food Directorate, Health Canada Vice-Chair, Codex Alimentarius Commission

2 2 Outline Raison d’être / Rationale for an International Food Standard setter : Codex Alimentarius Commission Achievements / Impact on food safety Current trends driving food standard setting Challenges, perspectives and Future areas of intervention

3 3 Foods without Borders: Food products are amongst the most traded commodities Foods are important contributors to Health of consumers internationally Information about risks and benefits associated with foods is provided by many sources History and Rationale Need for a reference body to guide food standard development internationally

4 4 EEstablished in 1963 by FAO and WHO: intergovernmental body that elaborates food standards under the joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme: DDevelops harmonized international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice with the objective : To protect consumers’ health To ensure fair practices in the food trade PPromotes coordination of all food standards work by international governmental and non-governmental organisations AAn international focal point for informed discussions on food related issues Codex Alimentarius Commission : Raison d’être

5 5  A set of values :  Collaboration,  Inclusiveness,  Consensus building,  transparency

6 6  Common Principles:  Risk Analysis driven standards  Evidence-based standards  Standards protecting human health are anchored in Science and risk assessment

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8 8  Codex is evolving in a rapidly changing environment  Standards addressing emerging issues  Standards responding to members’ needs for food safety and quality

9 9 Codex addressed a number of emerging challenges

10 10 Codex addressed Food Chemical Safety Issues

11 11 Codex developed leading microbiological safety guidance

12 12 Codex addressed public health issues through labelling

13 13 Codex far-reaching impacts on food quality and food safety systems

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15 15 Trends Influencing Emerging Issues  The Food Supply Chain remains amongst the most complex industrial supply chains

16 16 Globalization and Canada Local Issues National Issues

17 17 Information age

18 18 Trends Influencing Emerging Issues Changing Consumer demands / Interests :  Re-merging Pathogens / New Vehicles

19 19 Trends Influencing Emerging Issues Climate Change :  Different Patterns of  Natural toxins  Pathogens  Novel crops : e.g. drought resistant

20 20 Trends Influencing Emerging Issues Changes in food regulatory landscapes internationally :  Focus on preventive controls  Focus on attestation to meeting preventive measures: CERTIFICATION  Shift from « What » needs to be met to « how » it is met and how it should be demonstrated

21 21 Trends Influencing Emerging Issues Limited public funding / Constrained resources:

22 22  Greater global and national awareness of food safety and quality issues:  More available data and stimulated activities in food technology, food chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, pesticide and veterinary drug development and safe use.  Aim to apply a consistent approach in assessing and managing food safety risks and food quality internationally  Enhanced consumers’ health protection globally  Proactive mitigation of trade irritants related to food standards  Leveraged international efforts to support domestic risk management decisions and regulations Expected impacts of Codex Standards

23 23 Canada and Codex  Canada is one of the founding members of the CAC  Canada continues to support and leverage the work of Codex  Standards developed in Codex serve as a basis for Canadian food standards : adoption or adaptation to the Canadian context.  Canada supports continued reliance of Codex on a solid, sustainable and reliable scientific advice:  Co-led the development of a WHA resolution on food safety advocating for sustainability of Codex  Canada supports Codex efforts in maintaining its role as the preeiminent food standard setting body internationally through :

24 24 Codex : an inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective and proactive international food standard setter

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