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Hackers and other kinds of piracy 2005/2006 Daniela Alves, n.º 6019 Claudia Francisco, n.º 6016 Bruno Martins, n.º 6018.

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Presentation on theme: "Hackers and other kinds of piracy 2005/2006 Daniela Alves, n.º 6019 Claudia Francisco, n.º 6016 Bruno Martins, n.º 6018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hackers and other kinds of piracy 2005/2006 Daniela Alves, n.º 6019 Claudia Francisco, n.º 6016 Bruno Martins, n.º 6018

2 Pirate   Man who, of independent or organized form in groups, promotes booties the ships and the cities.   Currently the term is used to mention itself to the copy not-authorized and the illegal distribution of material under copyright, especially music, image, clothes and software.

3 Hackers   The term to assign people who create and modify software and the hardware.   Usually in the media and some populations uses the term hacker to describe crackers, or either, people who practice illegal acts without ethics.   The origin of the term is previous the age of computer science.

4 The controversy on the meaning of the term   The use of the term to hacker is associated for specialists in computer science who practice criminal activities.   Other used terms : White hat ; Black hat ; Lammer ; Newbie ; Cracker ; Phreaker;

5 Programmer   Is somebody mentioned to it that makes computer programming and develops software   Ada Lovelace historically is considered the first programmer. She was the first one to develop an algorithm in October of 1842.

6 Cracker :   Cracker is somebody that possess advanced knowledge of computer science to destroy other people's systems and filing-cabinets.   "breaks" passwords of systems or games.

7 Phreaker   is known person specialized in telephony that makes mote of its main activities the gratuitous linkings.   The knowledge of Phreaker is essential to search information that would be very useful in the hands of badly-intentioned.

8 Foundation GNU   In 1985, Stallman published the GNU manifesto, that delineated its motivation to create a free system call GNU.   In 1991, an independent project initiate for a student produced kernel Linux. Fortuitous the project could be combined with software existing GNU to make a complete operational system.

9 Articles   Volume of pirated DVD already encloses 20% of the market   Computer science: Portugal is enters the 20 countries with lesser piracy of software

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