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Presentation on theme: "FOOD AND NUTRITION THROUGH THE LIFESPAN NEWBORN NUTRITION: Formula."— Presentation transcript:


2 Formula Feeding Controversy Arsenic found in formula Nestle boycott

3 Objectives The purpose of this presentation is to: Discuss the varied types of infant formula Discuss the preparation steps for infant formula Discuss safety hazards involved in preparing infant formula.

4 What is Formula? Formula  Commercially manufactured milk product  Designed to support infant growth Types  Cow’s Milk  Soy-based  Protein hydrolysate

5 Why Use Formula? When breastfeeding an infant is not possible or desired If supplemental feeding is desired in addition to breastfeeding

6 Cow’s Milk Formulas Most used and best tolerated Cow’s milk is altered to resemble human milk Cow’s milk protein allergies are possible

7 Soy-Based Formulas Possible cow’s milk allergy alternative Vegan infants Cow’s milk allergies = soy milk formula

8 Protein Hydrolysate Formulas Hypoallergenic formulas Family history of milk/soy allergies Cow’s milk pre-digested Easier to digest Allergic reaction less likely Extremely expensive

9 Other Specialized Formulas Pre-digested formula for premature infants/babies Various formulas for infants/babies with specific medical conditions

10 Why Not Regular Cow’s Milk? Cow’s milk has too many nutrients (protein, specifically) for human babies Cow’s milk has too few nutrients (iron) for human babies May cause iron deficiency  Infants need iron to grow and develop. Could cause allergies

11 Types of Formula Preparations Powdered  Least expensive  1 scoop powdered/2 oz. water Concentrated liquid  1 ounce formula/1 ounce water Ready-to-feed  Water not needed  Most convenient  Most sterile for of infant formula  Most expensive

12 Generic vs. Brand-Name All common infant formula = same nutrient density Formula Standards  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The most substantial difference is price.

13 DHA and ARA Fatty acids / lipids Naturally passed from mom to infant in pregnancy  occurring in breast milk Development of infant’s eyesight and brain DHA = Docosahexaenoic acid ARA = Arachidonic Acid Long term benefits unknown

14 Probiotics Promote healthy bacteria growth Like the bacteria in yogurt Mimic immune benefits of breast milk Long term benefits unknown

15 Levels of DHA and ARA All infant formulas sold in the United States use the same source of DHA & ARA. The only difference among formula brands is the amount of DHA & ARA.

16 How Much Formula? MonthFluid Ounces per Day Feedings per Day Fluid Ounces per Feeding 0 to 116 – 20 oz8 - 121 - 2.5 oz 1 to 218 – 26 oz8 - 102 – 4 oz

17 How to Prepare a Bottle of Formula Wash hands with soap and warm water. Check expiration date on formula can. Fill bottle with desired amount of sterilized water. Add one unpacked, level scoop of powdered formula for every two ounces of water. Cap bottle and shake well. NEVER heat in microwave!  Could cause “hot spots” Warm in cup of warm water. Shake again and test heat on wrist.

18 Correct Bottle Feeding Position Infant should be Cuddled Held in a semi-upright position during feeding Why? Reduces fluid from pooling at the back of the throat and entering tubes from the middle ear.

19 Incorrect Bottle Feeding Position Hazards of infant self feeding Choking Overfeeding Inability to bond with caregiver

20 Don'ts of Bottle Feeding Do not prop the bottle (self feeding) Do not allow baby to carry bottle around Do not allow the baby to keep bottle in mouth while asleep Do not put cereal or sweet drinks Do not forget to sanitize bottles

21 Burping Done during and after feeding Wait until baby stops drinking Hold baby in one of two positions (shoulder or lap) Gently stroke/pat back Why Burp? Releases stomach gas Prevents regurgitation


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