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The Muscular System By: Maria Jose Velosa Santiago Bernal Felipe Perez Alejandro Moreno.

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Presentation on theme: "The Muscular System By: Maria Jose Velosa Santiago Bernal Felipe Perez Alejandro Moreno."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muscular System By: Maria Jose Velosa Santiago Bernal Felipe Perez Alejandro Moreno

2 Muscles Are those that allow all the movements of the human body, by the process of relaxing, contracting, providing force for the movement. Need a lot of energy to use in daily activities. Approximated 600 muscles in our body.

3 Muscle control: voluntary and involuntary muscle Voluntary muscle: movement can be controlled. – Example: the muscle of the face, arm, hand and legs. Involuntary muscle: are in permanent movement and we can’t control it. – Example : the heart (cardiac muscle), the digestive system, dyaphragm (respiratory muscle)

4 Classification of muscle tissue There are three types of muscle tissue: – Skeletal muscle – Cardiac muscle – Smooth muscle.

5 Classification of muscle tissue… Skeletal muscle: Appears striped and is attached to the bones by tendons, and it is a voluntary muscle. Cardiac muscle: only found in the heart. It has striations, and it is an involuntary muscle. Smooth muscle: found in the internal organs, like the digestive tract. Is non striated. Is an involuntary muscle.

6 Your body’s Machines-lever The action of muscles, bones and joints work together like a lever. In the body bones are rods, Joints are the fulcrum and contractions and relaxations provided energy to moved.

7 Human body levers There are three types of levers: – First class – Second class – Third class

8 Human body levers… First class: the fulcrum lies between the effort force and the load. Second class: the load lies between the fulcrum and the effort force. Third class: the effort force lies between the fulcrum and the load.

9 Working muscles you move because pairs of skeletal muscle. Pair of muscle 1 relax (original length)other contract Always pull, never push.

10 Changes in muscles over time the muscles con become larger or smaller depending on whether. skeletal muscle do a lot of work such as writing hand can become stronger and larger, when occurs this change is because of an increased in the number of muscle cells. Muscles that aren’t exercised become smaller in size, Paralyzed muscle also become smaller because they cannot be moved movement.

11 How muscles move Muscles contract and relax,Blood carries energy to your muscle cells, there are places where cell muscles store energy and then the muscles released when it contracts, realized energy to mechanical energy ( Movement) and thermal energy ( Heat) when the muscle realized the heat it maintain temperature of the body, when energy is wasted the muscle is tired and need to rest, In this period blood supplies energy to your muscle cell.

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