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Muscular System 600 Muscles

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1 Muscular System 600 Muscles

2 Science Keyterms Muscle Voluntary muscle Involuntary muscle
Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Tendon

3 Functions of Muscular System
Provide movement for the body Produce heat Helps with the movement of food through the digestive system Helps you breath Helps with the beating of your heart

4 Quadriceps Tibialis Anterior Facial Buccinators Sternomastoid
Occuli Facial Buccinators Sternomastoid Pectoralis Major Bicep Brachii Abdominals External Oblique Sartorius Quadriceps Extensor Digitorum Tibialis Anterior

5 Moving the human body Muscle-an organ that contracts and gets shorter- this provides the force to move your body parts. Muscles of the body

6 Muscle Control Voluntary muscles- muscles that you are able to control
Examples are leg and arm muscles -most of the muscles that attach to bones Involuntary Muscles- you can not move them consciously. They just keep working Examples- heart , blood vessels

7 Types of Muscles-skeletal
Skeletal Muscles-muscles that move bones Attached to bones by tendons Most numerous in the body Look striped or striated Voluntary muscles – you can control when they move

8 Types of Muscles-Smooth Muscles
Smooth muscles- nonstriated Involuntary – cannot control them consciously Move the internal organs Contract and relax slowly Example- small intestine, stomach muscles

9 Types of Muscles-Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle-found only in the heart Involuntary – you cannot control when it beats Striations Contracts about 70 times a minute every day of your life.

10 Types of Muscles 3 types of muscles?

11 How Muscles Work How muscles work
Skeletal muscles-when one muscles contracts- another muscle relaxes Muscles always pull- never push Muscles use glucose – chemical energy Produce thermal (heat) energy when they contract Muscles that are not exercised become smaller How muscles work

12 Muscles and bones work together
Skeletal system working together with the Muscular System Working together Let’s Review

13 How Muscles Work When bundles of muscles are stimulated by nerve impulses, or signals, they ___contract____________, or shorten. When they relax, the bundles stretch.

14 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Types of Muscles Three Types of Muscle Tissue ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

15 What Muscles Do ___Muscle___movements help you _________, make your _______ beat, and move food through your digestive system.

16 Types of Muscles ___________________ are involuntary muscles.
_________________________ Muscles that act on the lining of the body’s passageways and hollow internal organs

17 Types of Muscles ______________________ is involuntary and is responsible for the contraction of your heart. Your heart beats 100,000 times each day. _____________________ A type of striated muscle that forms the wall of the heart

18 Types of Muscles Most of your muscle tissue is skeletal, and almost all _________________ are under voluntary control. __________________________ Muscles attached to bone that cause body movements

19 What Muscles Do Skeletal muscles work in pairs to produce movement.

20 Body Movements Flexing of the hamstring.
When you bend your knee, the quadriceps muscle relaxes and the hamstring muscle contracts.

21 Body Movements cont. Extension of the quadriceps.
When the leg is straight the hamstring muscle relaxes (stretched) and the quadriceps muscle contracts or shortens.

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