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Literature of Malaysia BBL4306 Week 14. Did Sybil Kathigasu leave a legacy?  According to psychologist Dan McAdams, highly generative individuals will.

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1 Literature of Malaysia BBL4306 Week 14

2 Did Sybil Kathigasu leave a legacy?  According to psychologist Dan McAdams, highly generative individuals will ensure that the things they have generated in life will continue to bring growth into the future (The Redemptive Self 68).

3  These highly generative individuals also tend to anticipate further future development, advancement and flourishing of the people, and things they have generated, even if they may be pessimistic about the world in general. They are inclined towards making plans to expand their future influence – if they had been focusing on their families, for instance, they hope to widen their reach to include services to the community.

4 Episodes that suggest the hope to achieve changes at a larger communal level:  Before I could give expression to my own feelings I was obliged, with the bravest air I could assume, to calm the other members of my family who had heard George’s news and come running to me. (11)  Even in a war situation, her sense of responsibility towards her family and close friends is unshakeable – making sure that they are physically safe, and as far as possible, emotionally calm.  Kathigasu may not have written about her childhood and adolescent years in her autobiography, but her relationship with the members of her family can be seen in her narrative expressions.

5 Family Love  We read in the opening chapter that as soon as Kathigasu receives news of the bombing of Singapore by the Japanese troops, her 73- year – old mother was beset by fear.  Kathigasu sympathised with her, as she felt that her old mother would have undoubtedly been looking forward to living through old age peacefully.  I put my arms around her and did my best to comfort her. “Don’t worry, Mother. I will look after you as I have always done” (9).

6  Whether it was because she was a trained nurse and was used to dealing with critical situations, or because she was by nature a leader, Kathigasu had “no time to think of bombs and bullets” (14).

7 Imperial Rule  Kathigasu’s autobiography contains many episodes in which she helped and lightened the sufferings of others, even when her own life was in danger, suggesting she possesses qualities of a highly generative adult.  In a vivid and detailed style of expression, K captures the gruesomeness of the Japanese mode of crime investigation as she tells of the suffering that victims had to endure raising our awareness of oppression under imperial rule. (Refer to p.32)

8 Treatment of Women  K does not hide her abhorrence to the treatment of women by Japanese occupying forces, when she describes the intense fear and helplessness that women had to face under the cruel hands of the Japanese soldiers –representing both imperial dominance as well as patriarchal dominance.  K firmly informs her readers that during this period of Malayan history, the most unimaginable and horrific fate was the kind that the young women had to confront.

9  Her empathy for the plight of women during this reign of terror and her repulsion at the behaviour of the Japanese soldiers is reflected in her narrative expressions. (refer to p. 29-30)  ………..many more examples/episodes

10 Conclusion  Kathigasu develops a system of beliefs rooted in a religious tradition which guides her for the rest for the rest of her story. She goes through many harrowing experiences but this belief system does not change much and this unshakable foundation marks her identity.  Her autobiography tells of an individual Malaysian woman’s hope for the future and a belief in human progress. No matter how bad a situation she finds herself in and the sacrifice she endures. K’s narration always suggest that there is hope that things will get better.

11  In writing her life story, K leaves behind for us a priceless treasure that we have much to appreciate and gain from

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