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Make This and Keep It!.  Write CONJUGATION BOOKLET on front cover  Write your first and last names near the bottom  When we finish adding the content,

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Presentation on theme: "Make This and Keep It!.  Write CONJUGATION BOOKLET on front cover  Write your first and last names near the bottom  When we finish adding the content,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make This and Keep It!

2  Write CONJUGATION BOOKLET on front cover  Write your first and last names near the bottom  When we finish adding the content, decorate cover however you want to – just be sure we can read the information!

3  Present Tense Endings ◦ -o I-mus we ◦ -syou-tisyou ◦ -the, she-ntthey it

4  Present Tense  ‘To Be’ Words ◦ sum-I am sumus-we are ◦ es - you are estis-you are ◦ est - he, she, sunt – they are or it is

5 Future Tense Endings 1 st & 2 nd conjugations -bo-bimus -bis-bitis -bit-bunt Future Tense Endings 3rd & 4th conjugations -am-ēmus -ēs-ētis -et-ent

6 Future Tense “To Be” Words eroerimus eriseritis eriterunt

7 Perfect Tense Endings -ī-imus -isti-istis -it-ērunt Imperfect Tense Endings -bam-bamus -bas-batis -bat-bant 3rd and 4 th conjugation endings are preceded with long e ( ē)

8 Perfect Tense “To Be” Words fuifuimus fuistifuistis fuitfuērunt Imperfect Tense “To Be” Words erameramus eraseratis eraterant

9  4 Principal Parts  1 st PP – 1 st person singular, present tense  2 nd PP – The infinitive form (‘to’ + verb meaning) ◦ – remove –re ending to form present stem ◦ - the present stem is also the singular imperative. Add –te to singular imperative to form plural imperative  3 rd PP – 1 st person singular, perfect tense ◦ -remove –i ending to form perfect stem  Remove –ī ending to form perfect stem  4 th PP – Perfect Passive Participle

10   You Tube Video with instructions for folding the booklet - Vto Vto

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