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Level 5. Session 3 Dr.Thinsan Applely, Hye-in, Makdad

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Presentation on theme: "Level 5. Session 3 Dr.Thinsan Applely, Hye-in, Makdad"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 5. Session 3 Dr.Thinsan Applely, Hye-in, Makdad
If clauses Level 5. Session 3 Dr.Thinsan Applely, Hye-in, Makdad

2 If clauses if + Simple Present, will-Future
if + Simple Past, main clause with would + Infinitive if + Past Perfect, main clause with would +have + p.p.

3 if + Simple Present, will-Future

4 if + Simple Present, will-Future
Present + Future The sentence are based on fact It could happen in certain condition in the future or present It express probable and possible situation

5 if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example) If I hit you, you will cry. If you send this letter now, she will receive tomorrow. If her boyfriend doesn’t phone today, she will leave him. If it rains tomorrow, I won’t have to water plants.

6 if + Simple Past, main clause with would + Infinitive

7 if + Simple Past, main clause with would + Infinitive
The sentence are not based on fact It won’t happen in the future or present It expresses less probable, imaginary or impossible situation

8 if + Simple Past, main clause with would + Infinitive
Example) If I were you, I wouldn’t be here If I were you, I would stay right where you are, I wouldn’t come near this broken heart. If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot

9 Shift from Present & Future to past will indicate shift from Reality to Unreality
Past+ Past Perfect

10 if + Past Perfect, main clause with would +have + p.p.

11 If I had have a lot of money, I would have given
you porsche.

12 If you had got porsche, I would have married you.

13 if + Past Perfect, main clause with would +have + p.p.
The sentence are not based on fact It won’t happen in the past It expresses less probable, imaginary or impossible situation

14 if + Past Perfect, main clause with would +have + p.p.
Example) If I had have a lot of money, I would have given you porsche. . If you had got porsche, I would have married you. If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friends jacob.

15 It is possible for conditional sentences to have a different time It is called “Mixed Conditional” and is not based on fact. Ex) If we had brought a map (we didn’t), we would know where we are (we don’t). I wouldn’t have married her (I did), if I didn’t love her (I do). Unreal IF Present +Future Past Past Perfect

16 QUIZ Time!

17 Quiz Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q1) If Leon (do)____ this test, he (improve)_________ his English. does will improve

18 Quiz Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q2) If I (find)_____ Ling’s ring, I (give)_____ it back to her. find will give

19 Quiz Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q3) Arseeya (go)____ shopping if she (have)______ time in the afternoon. will go has

20 Quiz Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q4) Jimmy (go)____ to London next week if he (get)____ a cheap flight. will go gets

21 Bonus Quiz don’t study won’t pass
Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q5) If they (study/not)______ harder, they (pass/not)_____ the exam. don’t study won’t pass

22 Quiz Example: If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. Q6) Echo (can/move/not)________ into the new house if it (be/not)______ ready on time. can’t move Isn’t

23 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q7) If Chen (would be/were) rich, her life (would change/changed) completely. were would change

24 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q8) Charles (would buy/bought) a lonely island, if he (would find/found) a nice one. would buy found

25 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q9) If Edward (would own/owned) a lonely island, he (would build/built) a huge house by the beach. owned would build

26 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q10) Wonsang (would invite/invited) all his friends if he (would have/had) a house by the beach. would invite had

27 Bonus Quiz would have came
Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q11) We (would have/had) great parties if my friends (would come/came) to my island. would have came

28 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q12) If Thamer (would hit/hit) the jackpot, he (would be/were) rich. hit would be

29 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q13) I (would pick/picked) Arseeya up in my yacht if she (would want/wanted) to spend their holidays on my island. would pick wanted

30 Quiz Example: If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot. Q14) If I (would know/knew) Dr. Thinsan's phone number, I (would give/gave) him a call. knew would give

31 Quiz had asked wouId have helped Ling ready on time.
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q15) If Ling(ask) ____ __ me, I (would/help)____ _ _ Ling ready on time. had asked wouId have helped

32 Quiz had spoken would have understood
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q16) If Thamer (speak) _______ _ Spanish, Toress(would/understand) ______________. had spoken would have understood

33 Quiz had listen would have been
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q17) If Chen (listen) ______ _ to me, we(would/be) __________ home earlier. had listen would have been

34 Bonus Quiz hadn’t started would have walked
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q18) If it (start/not) _______ to rain, we(would/walk) ___ ______ to the museum. hadn’t started would have walked

35 Quiz had studied Would have passed
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q19) If Leon (study) ______ for the test, he(would/pass)_ ________ it. had studied Would have passed

36 Quiz would have written had had
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q20) Arseeya(would write) _________ you a postcard if she(have)____ your address. would have written had had

37 Quiz had taken could have arrived
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend jacob. Q21) If Won-sang (take) _______ the bus, he(could/arrive) ________ on time. had taken could have arrived

38 Quiz hadn’t broken would have kicked his leg, I (would/kick)__________
Example: If I had gone the cinema, we would have seen my friend Jacob. Q22) If Jimmy (not/break) ________ his leg, I (would/kick)__________ his leg. hadn’t broken would have kicked

39 Conditional If Clauses Exercises
Reference Conditional If Clauses Exercises Type Time Reference Exercise 1 Future + Present 2 Past 3 Past Perfect 4

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