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Presentation on theme: "DYSTOPIAN LITERATURE UNIT"— Presentation transcript:

Focus Questions: What can we learn about ourselves and our society by reading dystopian literature? What is the power of social commentary? How do authors create dystopian worlds? What will inspire you to create a utopian / dystopian world? Objective: To read and critically analyze dystopian literature to determine how each author created their social commentary and connect elements to our current society.

2 Social Commentary A social commentary is a critical comment on society. The criticism can be in the form of a comment on societal behavior or human nature, or can refer to a specific situation or trend in an area of the world at a particular point in time. While social commentary doesn’t have to be political in nature, it often is, since many social issues are a result of a particular political structure or leadership style.  

3 Journal #1 What is the social commentary:

4 Journal #2 What is the social comment in the song “Glory”? How do you know and what aspect of our society is the comment related to?

5 Social Commentary in the literary world:
Satire: using ridiculous or absurd humor, symbols, and/or images to make a social comment. Allegory: the use of symbols and images to create a cautionary tale that makes a social comment and usually has a literal and figurative meaning. Parody: Imitating something for a comic effect; can be a type of satire.

6 Utopian Unit: Literary Analysis - Short Story
Usually has less characters, conflicts, & details Note how quickly the author establishes the setting, introduces the characters, creates the conflict leading to the climax, and begins developing the theme. Keep these questions in mind as you read: What is the author trying to say? (what is the social comment?) How does this story relate to me and my experiences? How does it deepen my knowledge of the world it describes and therefore how does it deepen my knowledge of me? By keeping these questions in mind, you will begin to see how the author creates the allegory/satire and better understand the social comment.

7 Close Reading Directions –
Annotating: 1). highlight key words or phrases that are interesting, surprising, significant, or raises questions. 2). CUBS – Circle main ideas, Underline supporting details, Box unknown words, Side Commentary Look for patterns in the things you have marked in the text; literary devices, repetitions, contradictions, similarities, stylistic devices. Ask questions about the patterns and details you have noticed; especially how and why. Then look back and use the text to answer your questions.

8 On the Left Side of the Journal: Social Commentary
On the Right Side of the Journal: Annotations (Evidence from Close Readings) For each reading section assigned, create a 3 column chart with 3 quotes that help support / convey the social comment: After reading the assigned text, infer what the social comment is. 1). Write the social comment here. 2). Write what aspect of our society it is related to. You can use the list below to determine what the social comment is related to. Describe the Social Element(s): Government / Leadership / Power Economics / Security / Freedom / Laws Moral / Social Norms (rules for interacting with members in the society) Cultural Norms (rules that show one belongs to this society) Education / Ignorance SAY: quote/ paraphrase w/ the page # WHAT IS INTERESTING (PATTERNS): identify the literary devices, repetitions, contradictions, similarities, stylistic devices in the quote MEANING / ANALYSIS: how / why does this support your analysis of the social comment? Note the examples that show how the author creates / presents the 6 utopian elements for each reading section assigned. Note: all sections will not contain all the elements. When you see them, note them and what page you found the elements. GOVERNMENT SAFETY / HEALTH CARE EDUCATION ECONOMICS SOCIAL NORMS/ MORAL VALUES (what are the rules for interaction) CULTURAL BELIEFS) (what defines the culture in the society)

9 Harrison Bergeron Analysis - Use evidence from the text to support your answers
Identify some figurative language in the description of the scene with Harrison and the Ballerina. How does the language affect the tone and help convey Vonnegut’s social commentary? The entire narrative takes place as George and Hazel watch television. What can be inferred by using television watching as the primary activity in the narrative? through the characterization of Hazel, George, and Harrison? How does Harrison’s rebellion reveal the flaw in this egalitarian system?

10 “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”
What is the effect of addressing the audience in the second and third paragraphs? How does it help to understand / support the allegory? What is your vision of Omelas? How does it help you understand the allegory? What is your favorite philosophical / relevant passage that support the social commentary? What are the symbols in the story that best express the allegory? What is the “terrible paradox” in the story? What is a terrible paradox in today’s society?


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