21 st Century Classroom ARRA Title IID, Priority 3, Competitive Technology Grant Presentors: Judi Allen, Director of Social Studies Michele Magner, Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "21 st Century Classroom ARRA Title IID, Priority 3, Competitive Technology Grant Presentors: Judi Allen, Director of Social Studies Michele Magner, Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 st Century Classroom ARRA Title IID, Priority 3, Competitive Technology Grant Presentors: Judi Allen, Director of Social Studies Michele Magner, Instructional Technology Coordinator Malden Public Schools

2 Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Communication and Collaboration Global Connections The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a national organization that advocates for 21st century readiness for every student Core Subjects... English, reading or language arts Geography Government & Civics History Economics Mathematics Science World Languages Arts

3 Through ongoing collaboration in our team... Year 1 designed, developed, and implemented a hybrid professional development model with support from Howard Lurie, WGBH http://21stcenturyclassroomsmps.wikispaces.com/ developed a collective concept of a 21st Century classroom created an inquiry-based environment where students could explore and pursue their interests constructed interdisciplinary Social Studies & Science lessons which integrated literacy and technology strategies to deepen content knowledge

4 These are the important steps that lead to creating technology rich classrooms 1.Professional development provided time to develop the concept of the 21 st Century Classroom. The goal was to integrate technology and literacy strategies in an inquiry based environment to deepen content knowledge. 2.Teachers worked in groups to apply new knowledge and skills by developing technology rich lessons for Social Studies & Science. Participants collaborated to create an innovative unit in their content area that integrated inquiry-based learning as well as technology and literacy skills to engage 21 st century learners. 3.Introduced and provide extensive training utilizing Wikispaces. A means to build capacity by capturing professional development, teacher lessons and student work. Teachers and students were able to communicate and collaborate in and outside of school 4.Opportunity to implement lessons and use 21 st century technology during the summer (ideal teaching model) Freedom from pacing guides Team teaching to practice newly acquired skills Technology support readily available 40 MHS students participated 5.Support participating teachers to reflect and refine their teaching through observations and debriefing sessions of the 21st Century model classrooms.

5 20 th Century Classroom21 th Century Classroom Teacher to student Student to teacher Student to student Students reach beyond classroom walls http://allenresources.wikispaces.com / 21 st Century History Classroom

6 Student Work: http://voicethread.com/#q.b1229254.i6623908 http://samanthasvirtualnotebook.wikispaces.co m/Science+%26+the+Courts

7 Year 2 created two 21st Century Classrooms and will continue to develop the structure that will serve as a model for additional classrooms mentor participating teachers who are teaching in technology rich classrooms. support participating teachers to reflect and refine their teaching through observations and debriefing sessions of the 21st Century model classrooms. design, develop, and implement online professional development course,  Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Classroom, to middle school social studies teachers and to high school science teachers. beginning October 26 - MASSONE Moodle will serve to grow and sustain our work from the grant the team has and will continue to...

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