JANET – what it is, history, current issues Geoff McMullen

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1 JANET – what it is, history, current issues Geoff McMullen (n.g.mcm@btinternet.com)

2 2002SuperJANET History2 Agenda What is JANET? A little history Influences on traffic growth Technical challenges Bigger challenges Conclusion

3 2002SuperJANET History3 What is JANET? JANET is a National Research and Education Network (NREN) There are many others See WWW.TERENA.NL for other European ones and helpful links

4 2002SuperJANET History4 NRENs Connect Education and Research establishments to the Internet Some restrict themselves to HE and Research Some include vocational education Some include schools Some include employers

5 2002SuperJANET History5 Scope of JANET JANET is intended to be inclusive – it connects all HE, all public research, all public vocational education centres, many schools and some employers It use has grown steadily It is an investment for the public good ahead of demand

6 2002SuperJANET History6 Budget £1.8million (2001 money) in 1985 Typical speeds 64kbps Linking 11 regional centres for Research Comparable budget now some £23 million Backbone speed 2.5Gbps (20 Gbps planned) Linking 700+institutions across education Then and now

7 2002SuperJANET History7 History - Organisation 1978 - 1981 - SRC Study team 1981- 1993 - RAL project team (JNT) 1984 - Executive runs network 1992 - JISC created 1993 - UKERNA “spin off” decision 1994 - date Company limited by guarantee - all income from public funds

8 2002SuperJANET History8 History - Network 1979 - review of existing HE provision 1984 - JANET (4.8 Kbps, then continued upgrades to 2Mbps) 1991-1992 - Internet conversion 1993 - move to SuperJANET 1 1998 - SuperJANET III - 155Mbps 2001 - SuperJANET 4 - 2.5 Gbps +

9 2002SuperJANET History9 NNW N.I. N Wales MidMAN Scottish Interconnect YHMAN NORMAN Thames Valley South Wales BWEMAN /SWAN LeNSE Kentish MAN LMN EMMAN EastNET US LINX TEN-155 ETC. GlasgowEdinburgh Warrington Leeds Reading London Bristol Portsmouth Network organisation

10 2002SuperJANET History10 Technologies Backbone – Optical Fibre MANS – Fibre, co-ax, Microwave Local – Copper, co-ax, wireless, satellite

11 2002SuperJANET History11 Moving images Remote teaching and learning (e- University?) Endogenous growth E-science (The GRID, and other things) E-business Influences on traffic growth

12 2002SuperJANET History12 Growth in self-provided services Multimedia/Library digitisation Net competent students The geography of the learning experience Mobile communications Influences - continued

13 2002SuperJANET History13 Influences - continued Improved local and regional infrastructure Digital television Lifelong Learning Commercial relationships (ASP services)

14 2002SuperJANET History14 Authentication/Security/Integrity Customer Support Reliability Traffic planning and management Pervasive access Technical Challenges

15 2002SuperJANET History15 Bigger Challenges - 1 Changing Customer Base Inclusive systems of governance Top Slice vs. charging Do we still need a private network? The role of the MAN

16 2002SuperJANET History16 Bigger Challenges - 2 Flexibility to enable further educational connections The telecommunications market

17 2002SuperJANET History17 Conclusion 1. Increasing applications and reducing prices lead to greater network use 2. Societal changes reinforce this tendency 3. “Quantitative change leads to qualitative change”

18 2002SuperJANET History18 Conclusion - continued 4. Qualitative change shows up in the growth of the user community 5. It is affecting arrangements for funding, network management and customer support 6. Service quality remains high despite the tumult in the market

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