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Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 1 New Paradigms n Storytelling n Metagovernance.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 1 New Paradigms n Storytelling n Metagovernance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 1 New Paradigms n Storytelling n Metagovernance

2 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 2 Storytelling as Springboard n A springboard story has an impact not so much through transferring large amounts of information, as through catalyzing understanding. n It can enable listeners to visualize from a story in one context what is involved in a large-scale transformation in an analogous context. n It can enable them to grasp the idea as a whole not only very simply and quickly, but also in a non- threatening way. n In effect it invites them to see analogies from their own backgrounds, their own context, their own fields of expertise. Denning, (2001) The Springboard, : How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations, Boston, Butterworth Heinemann

3 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 3 Denning’s Original Springboard n “By springboard story I mean a story that enables a leap in understanding by the audience so as to grasp how the organization or community or complex system may change”. n “ In June 1995 a health worker in Kamana, Zambia, logged on to the CDC website in Atlanta and got the answer to a question on how to treat malaria ” Denning 2001, p.81

4 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 4 Springboard Story I On 26th December 2004 the son of a Tamil Nadu fisherman working in Singapore saw TV news coverage of the tsunami and telephoned a warning to his sister which was relayed from the village Knowledge Centre, allowing all the villagers to escape to safety

5 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 5 Bottom up strategy ? the tsunami affected regions n Public response to the disaster powerful images and accounts counter “compassion fatigue” tourist technologies –digital video cameras – cell phones n same technologies delivered ad-hoc warnings to Knowledge Centres around Pondicherry n collective logging of events and monitoring of relief and recovery efforts continues

6 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 6 Metagovernance n Closing loop along the value/delivery chain IS driven and enabled feedback from customer/public to both provider and government/regulator n Implications for management and business strategy and tactics

7 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 7 Reversing the Panopticon: surveillance by the surveilled The technologies which have enabled military and managerial surveillance of distributed resources also, paradoxically, enable the communities so scrutinised to develop their own distributed strategies and patterns of relationships with external parties Little & Grieco (2003) n New paradigm bottom-up and networked response, feedback loop from those on the receiving end

8 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 8 Social versus Technical Learning n Organisational learning is needed to move beyond the technical effects of direct substitution of information technology for manual processes. informating versus automating (Zuboff, 1988) 2nd level social learning (Sproull & Kiesler, 1991) n Technical costs can be more readily estimated and represented social learning is the key to successful and sustainable innovation it can take place ahead of or in tandem with the deployment of technical resources

9 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 9 Collective Innovation: Odyssey Group n Exploring the emerging social potential of new modes of electronically-mediated communication particularly in respect of alternative forms of organising and managing and the promotion of greater social inclusion n Members work together in physical locations and through the internet and world wide web. between events, members work together in varying partnerships to develop their ideas and present these in papers for publication and in other forms

10 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 10 Learning Levels n Personal the distance supported environment –FirstClass/Lyceum/core and peripheral materials n Organisational business forms and process innovations n Contextual metagovernance and new forms of monitoring, regulation and accountability

11 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 11 Level 1 Collaborative design of web sites n Design Input from a community physical co-presence virtual co-presence n Remote support shared passwords online templates roaming access

12 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 12 Ghana Social Index n Locally generated and integrated data ported to Geocities web site designed for slow connections n Exemplar and portal resource for students and local organisations draw for CSPS main site performance indicator for funding agencies

13 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 13 Level 2 Web-supported problem definition and articulation n Moor Park Explore Club on-line illustration of deficiencies of transport infrastructure, many amenable to relatively simple design solutions. n CSPS Ghana on-line Action Auction on-line research proposals seeking sponsorship

14 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 14 Distributed Data Gathering http:// n Comparing performance light rail services The Moor Park Explore Club recently visited Amsterdam to sampleAmsterdam public transport

15 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 15 Level 3 Policy monitoring n North East Action on Transport Regulators, service providers and users collaborating on the monitoring of service provision GPS digital video digital still WAP

16 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 16 Monitoring Performance http:// http:// real-time monitoring of transport services from within the community

17 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 17 Converging Technologies n 2001 four items n 2006 one item

18 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 18 Springboard Story II When armed police arrested two women at Liverpool Street station on 29th July, officers were reported as trying to prevent bystanders from recording the incident on their mobile phones. Images of the 7th July London bombings from mobile phones had been distributed by mainstream news media, and within hours the police set up a web site to accept potentially useful material from members of the public

19 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 19 SARS: Emergent Metagovernance Hong Kong SAR 2nd highest broad-band usage first rate public transport Octopus smart card as de-facto alternate currency Amoy Gardens 35 storey high-rise block, 100 SARS cases, 230 people quarantined for 30 days

20 Design and Determination: the global role of information systems 20 Emergent global metagovernance n Monitoring the progress of SARS CDC Atlanta World Health Organisation U.S. DoD World SARS Map n Grid computing,1286,58678,00.html n Monitoring Governmental Responses APEC

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