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The Effects Of Alcohol on the Brain and the Body

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1 The Effects Of Alcohol on the Brain and the Body

2 Alcohol Pre-Test Beer is weaker than rum or vodka.
Alcohol is digested the same way food is digested in the body. The body can eliminate up to 5 ounces of alcohol per hour. BAC refers to the amount of calories in a beverage. Alcohol is high in calories and has no nutritional value. Alcohol is a stimulant, it tends to pep you up. Coffee and a cold shower can help to sober you up.

3 Alcohol Pre-Test Answers
A can of beer has the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine and a shot of hard alcohol Alcohol is digested in the liver The body eliminates .5 ounces of alcohol an hour BAC refers to the amount of alcohol in the blood Only time can help sober you up

4 Alcohol % vs Proof The term proof refers to the amount of alcohol in a drink. If a drink label says 40 proof that means it has 20% alcohol in it. 100% alcohol = ___ proof ___% alcohol = proof 6% alcohol = ___ proof


6 Male

7 Female

8 Path of alcohol through the body
1. Mouth- alcohol enters here and goes down the esophagus. 2. Stomach- no alcohol is digested here, passes right through. Small Intestines- enters here and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Brain- blood carries alcohol to the brain. The brain is bathed in alcohol. Liver- burns up the alcohol at a rate of ½ ounce per hour. The alcohol changes into water and carbon dioxide and is released through sweat and urine, and breathing.


10 Alcohol and the Brain

11 Brain terms Medulla- the vital life center of the brain, controls breathing, swallowing, and heart beat. Cerebellum- controls coordination, muscular control, and balance. Cerebrum- controls voluntary actions, sight, fine motor skills, thinking, and behavior.



14 Alcohol’s Effect on the Brain
1 to 2 drinks: systems begin to slow down relaxed feeling person is less inhibited there is a slight decrease in fine motor skills.

15 3 to 4 drinks: fine motor skills are significantly decreased
responsiveness is reduced judgment is reduced person may feel more alert and talkative, but in reality all systems have slowed

16 5 to 7 drinks- speech is slurred
hearing is dulled vision is cloudy balance and equilibrium is altered sense of pain is decreased

17 8 to 12 drinks: reflex action is decreased
body temperature drops blood circulation slows unconsciousness may occur further drinking may cause a coma and eventual death

18 Long term effects of alcohol
Digestive Disorders Long Term Alcohol Abuse is linked to cancers of the throat, mouth, and esophagus; liver diseases such as cirrhosis, ulcers in the stomach, and an inflammation of the pancreas

19 Nervous System Disorders
Long term alcohol abuse can lead to brain damage, dementia, hallucinations, loss of memory, inability to gather new information, and nerve damage.

20 Cardiovascular Diseases
Long term alcohol abuse can lead to damaged muscle tissue in the heart, irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and a weaker heartbeat.

21 Reproductive Disorders
Using alcohol during pregnancy leads to fetal alcohol syndrome and low birth weight. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by facial malformations, growth deficiency, and possible retardation.


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