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Respiratory By: Shelby Drews, Mickey Drewy, & Meghan Darst.

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1 Respiratory By: Shelby Drews, Mickey Drewy, & Meghan Darst

2 Nasal Cavity Nose Mouth Bronchus Bronchiole Alveolus Diaphragm Throat (pharynx) Windpipe (Trachea) Left lungs Rib s The Anatomy & Physiology

3 Nose & Nasal Cavity Main external opening of the respiratory system The Nose is made up of cartilage, bone, and skin Nasal cavity is just a hollow space The nose actually provides support and protection to the nasal cavity The cavity is lined with mucus to trap dirt and other particles before they go into the body The cold air from outside is warmed in the nasal cavity before breathing it in. The Anatomy & Physiology

4 Mouth Only other external component part of the respiratory system Lacks hairs and mucus membranes that keep out of particles Also warms and moisturizes air The Anatomy & Physiology

5 Pharynx AKA the Throat Resembles a funnel made out of mucus Acts as an intermediary between nasal cavity, larynx, esophagus, and lungs Epiglottis switches across between esophagus and trachea ( trachea is where air goes and food goes to the esophagus) The Anatomy & Physiology

6 Larynx AKA your voice box Connects the laryngopharynx to the trachea Includes epiglottis and thyroid cartilage Adams Apple The Anatomy & Physiology

7 Trachea AKA the windpipe Tube-shaped, 5inches in diameter Lined with C Shaped rings to keep it open Allowed to open end to face the esophagus Filters air before entering the lungs The Anatomy & Physiology

8 Bronchi 2 primary bronchi run into each of the lungs & then branch off into secondary and tertiary bronchi Secondary bronchi carry air to the lobes of the lungs Tertiary bronchi split into what looks like a tree and spread out throughout the lungs into smaller sections called bronchioles Bronchioles split into thermal bronchioles Conduct the air to the lungs alveoli Ensures air from the trachea reaches all sections of the lungs The Anatomy & Physiology

9 Lungs Surrounds by a membrane that allows them to have enough space when they fill the air Left lung is smaller with only 2 lobes since it is closer to the heart; right lung is bigger and has 3 lobes Resembles a sponge made up of millions of alveoli Because of the alveoli the air that goes through them can exchange gases with the blood The Anatomy & Physiology

10 The Diaphragm Fun Fact: The body takes in and breathes out about 10 liters of air each minute The muscle membrane that helps you breath in and out by changing the pressure in your chest cavity The Anatomy & Physiology

11 Diseases of the Lungs

12 Asthma  Inflames bronchial tubes  Triggers:  pollen, smoke, animal fur, etc.  Symptoms:  wheezing, nonstop coughing, shortness of breath, & tightness in chest  Inherited & prefers males  Treatment:  Glucocorticoids (asthma medicine) Common Disorders



15 Cystic Fibrosis  Chronic, Inherited (recessive gene)  Affects secretory cells in lungs, pancreas, sweat glands & salivary glands  Mucus, sweat and digestive juices  Symptoms:  Excess mucus, coughing blood, diabetes, delayed development, shortness of breath, constant infections  Life expectancy: 37 years Common Disorders

16 Treatment  No cure  Prevention  Antibiotics, mucus-thinning drugs, breathing treatments, inflatable vest, oxygen therapy, lung transplant, feeding tube  Caregivers  Help with feeding & exercise, treatments and sometimes bedridden patients Common Disorders



19 COPD  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  Group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe  Genetic & also acquired  Symptoms:  Coughing, respiratory infections, hyperventilation, anxiety, tires easily, weight loss, fast heart rate Common Disorders

20 COPD cont.  4 th leading cause of death in U.S.  Treatment:  No cure  Lifestyle changes: better diet, quit smoking, avoid lung irritants, breathing treatments, flu shots, oxygen therapy Common Disorders


22 Respiratory System  The respiratory system is a complex biological system comprised of several organs that facilitate the inhalation and exhalation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in breathing organisms.

23 Comparing the simple, intermediate, and complex systems Sponges and jellyfish lack specialized organs for gas exchange and take in gases directly from the surrounding water. Flatworms and annelids use their outer surfaces as gas exchange surfaces. Arthropods, annelids, and fish use gills; terrestrial vertebrates utilize internal lungs

24 Gills Simple

25 Lungs-Complex Lungs are ingrowth of the body wall and connect to the outside by a series of tubes and small openings. Lungs are not entirely the sole property vertebrates, some terrestrial snails have a gas exchange structures similar to those in a frog.

26 Trachea- Intermediate

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