Welcome to North Bend Middle School 6 th grade Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful.

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1 Welcome to North Bend Middle School 6 th grade Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

2 Classroom Rules 1. Follow directions first time given 2. Be in your seat and be prepared with proper materials when the bell rings or class subject begins 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4. No putdowns, swearing, teasing, or using obscene gestures

3 Cell Phones Cell phones must be turned off and put away during the school day (pocket, backpack, or locker) Students are prohibited from bringing cell phones into the restrooms or locker room. If your phone is out during the school day it will be confiscated and a parent or guardian must pick it up in the office.

4 School Lockers Keep combination to yourself! If you share the combination you risk your possessions being stolen You may decorate the inside of the locker, however, everything put up must come down at the end of the year The lockers are public property and as a result may be searched by school officials

5 Water Bottles Water bottles may be used in your locker and our classroom only Do not walk in the hall drinking from a water bottle or any other liquid (coffee, juice, etc) Because of spreading germs (H1N1) do not share water bottles Use clear water bottles only please

6 Markers Markers of all kinds are to be used in the classroom only If teacher directed for a class project markers may be used in the hall, but returned to the classroom upon completion of activity This includes but not limited to Sharpies, Vis a Vis, Crayola Markers etc

7 Conduct in the Halls Unless in the hall passing from class to class, being with your class, or after school, you must have a hall pass provided by your teacher Be respectful, responsible, and safe( no running, shoving, or making loud noises) Walk to the right You are not to be in the halls before 8:00 am or after 3:10 pm

8 Dress Code The school dress code pertains to any school activity whether during or after school. A student’s total general appearance shall contribute to a well-groomed look. Clothes will be clean and neatly worn. The principal or principal designee has the right to prohibit specific items if they feel it is a disruption to the educational process.

9 Dress Code continued Shorts may be knee length Holes in pants must be below the knees Boys may not wear tank tops, half shirts and clothing with inappropriate written messages or pictures is prohibited Girls may not wear tank tops, open backed dresses, clothing revealing bare midriffs/cleavage and all clothing with inappropriate messages or pictures

10 Dress Code continued Girls may not wear tank tops, open backed dresses, clothing revealing bare midriffs/cleavage and all clothing with inappropriate messages or pictures All skirts and dresses must be longer than fingertip length The principal or designee has final say as to whether the clothing is appropriate or not

11 Dress Code continued Exceptions to these rules are athletic dress for school sports Dress pertaining to special education experiences such as plays or skits and approved by the principal

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