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Trinity College Cambridge Trinity Distribution Park Traffic Management Liaison Group April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Trinity College Cambridge Trinity Distribution Park Traffic Management Liaison Group April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trinity College Cambridge Trinity Distribution Park Traffic Management Liaison Group April 2009

2 Agenda 1.Welcome and Introduction 2.TDP Private Roads and Distribution of Occupiers 3.Strategic Planning 4.Planned Maintenance, New Works and Signage 5.Current Park Rules and Regulations 6.Current HGV Problems 7.Future Problems and Challenges 8.Potential Solutions 9.Any Other Business 10.Date of Next Meeting

3 Trinity Distribution Park – Private Roads and Distribution of Occupiers

4 Trinity Distribution Park – Private Roads and Distribution of Occupiers cont

5 Strategic Planning  Strategic Employment Allocations Christmasyards Wood Innocence Farm  Local and Regional Planning Representations

6 Planned Maintenance and Works  Planned Maintenance Regime  CCTV  Signage  Speed restrictions

7 CCTV and Street Lighting

8 Rules and Regulations - Trinity “ Not to do/permit/suffer anything which may be or become or cause a nuisance, damage, disturbance, injury or danger to the Landlord/owners/lessees or occupiers of any premises.” “ To provide designated HGV queuing spaces within the premises.” “ Not to park on or obstruct any communal part of the Estate.”

9 Rules and Regulations – Operators Licence “Not to permit third party operators to register their operators licence on your premises without seeking Landlords prior consent, or registration.” This is a sharing of occupation, a sub tenancy in accordance of the Lease. Consent or registration is to be sought prior to the operator making an application to the Traffic Commissioner or placing a ‘Public Notice’ in the local press.

10 Rules and Regulations - ProServe  To maintain a free flow of traffic at all times  Not to permit vehicles to park or wait on the restricted roads  To issue Fixed Penalty Notices to any vehicle that contravenes the landowners policy  Vehicles parking or waiting on restricted roads will immediately be subject to a fine for trespass  Instructed to request drivers to move immediately failure to do so will result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued  Vehicles committing trespass are photographed and a Fixed Penalty Notice stating the time, registration and location will be either affixed to the vehicle or forwarded to the owner/driver via post

11 Rules and Regulations - ProServe  The introduction of CCTV to the estate in the future will result in us obtaining details of offending vehicles both day and night from the system we will request details via the DVLA, Fixed Penalty Notices will then be issued via the post  Failure of any Fixed Penalty Notice to be paid will result in a fee paying enquiry to the DVLA to establish the owner/drivers details  All fixed Penalty Notices will be pursued by a claim for trespass in the County Court if not paid  Any vehicles or trailers left unattended are subject to immediate removal  Instructed to record and monitor the duration, length, source and destination of HGV queues on the Estate

12 Rules and Regulations - ProServe  Any tenant breaching the terms of their lease by allowing traffic to queue on the restricted roads will be liable to immediate closure of their yard  Forklift trucks and Reach Stackers are restricted from using the communal private Roads on health and safety and road traffic regulation grounds, unless in exceptional circumstances and only when escorted front and rear  In the future we will be operating in conjunction with the various authorities and Security Officers operational at the Estate

13 Rules and Regulations - ProServe Tel 01473 212215 Fax 01473 213001 Email ® License Consumer Credit Act 431041 SIA Licensed 121/2009 Trinity Distribution Park FPN

14 Rules and Regulations – Mitie and Suffolk Constabulary  Mitie - CCTV Monitoring and Man Guarding 24/7 – protocol under development  Suffolk Constabulary – access to ANPR Links – protocol under development

15 Rules and Regulations – Mitie and Suffolk Constabulary  Mitie - CCTV Monitoring and Man Guarding 24/7 – protocol under development  Suffolk Constabulary – access to ANPR Links – protocol under development

16 Current HGV Problems  Occurrence/Frequency/Source and Destination  Communications  Op Stack  Communal Facilities

17 Future Problems and Challenges  Blofield Development  Southern Port Redevelopment  High Improvements at Dock Spur Roundabout  A12 and A14 Interchange  Night Road Closures and Lane Restrictions 2009/10  Christmasyards Wood/Innocence Farm

18 Blofield Development


20 Southern Port Redevelopment

21 Night Road Closures and Lane Restrictions

22 The Effect of the Traffic Order over 12 Months  50mph limit on approaches to Junction 60.  40mph limit on and in close proximity to Junction 60.  Closure for two nights in each direction during this period.  Eastbound from junction 59 – 60.  Westbound from junction 62 – 60.  Westbound from junction 61 – 60.  Lay-by Closure  Traffic diversion

23 Future Problems and Challenges cont…  Christmasyards Wood

24 Christmasyards Wood cont..


26 Christmasyards Wood


28 Possible Solutions  Innocence Farm Access Routes  Further Studies  Dock Spur Roundabout

29 Dock Spur Vision

30 Thank you for your attendance Date of Next Meeting

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