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Early Expressionism 1890-1910 Portraying emotion through distorted form and colour.

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1 Early Expressionism 1890-1910 Portraying emotion through distorted form and colour

2 Munch, “The Scream” 1893 EARLY EXPRESSIONISM Edvard Munch is know for his emotionally charged images of fear, isolation, and anxiety that greatly influences the German Expressionists. His most famous work, “The Scream” represents the intolerable fear of losing one’s mind.

3 An important precursor of the Expressionism was Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907), who, while working in isolation, developed a completely modern style. She said she was searching for “great simplicity of form,” as she concentrated on single figures: wide-eyed, often nude, self-portraits and portraits of peasants. Was noted for creating groundbreaking images with great intensity. Died during childbirth at the age of 31. Modersohn-Becker, “Self-Portrait” 1906

4 Fauvism Exploding colour 1904-1908

5 Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a short-lived and loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong colour over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism. While Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond 1910, the movement as such lasted only a few years, 1904–1908, and had three exhibitions. The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and André Derain. Matisse, “Portrait of Madame Matisse. (The green line)” 1905

6 Matisse., “Woman with a Hat” 1905 Bold colours placed beside each other Strong brushwork that is unblended

7 Derain, “Charing Croos Bridge”. 1906

8 Pick a simple object from the class and paint it in your sketchbook using the Fauvism style

9 The influence of Henri Rousseau Henri Julien Felix Rousseau (May 21, 1844 - September 2, 1910) was a French Post-Impressionist painter in the Naive or Primitive manner. He is also known as Le Douanier (the customs officer) after his place of employment. Ridiculed during his life, he came to be recognized as a self-taught genius whose works are of high artistic quality.

10 Symbolism was an artistic and literary movement that thrived in the last decade of the 19 th century. It revolved around fantasy and allowing the artist to let their mind wander deeper into meaning of images to reveal a greater truth or message. Inspiration for Surrealism which followed. Henri Rousseau was a toll collector, turned artist, who had no formal art training. He was mocked for his choices in imagery only when they discovered he had no education in the arts or its history. Rousseau, “The Sleeping Gypsy” 1897

11 Rousseau believed that his fantastic, childlike landscapes – full of strange, lurking animals and tree-sized flowers – were realistic paintings in the academic style. He studied plants and animals at the Paris zoo, but he had clear technical limitations. There was little detail on the stylized foliage and his painting was meticulously finished so no brushwork could be seen. Figures appeared flat, and the scale, proportion, and perspective were all skewed. Rousseau, “The Dream” 1910

12 Modern Art The 20 th Century …many developments in the world and in art

13 WORLD HISTORY ART HISTORY Wrights fly airplane1903 Einstein announces relativity theory1905 German Expressionism starts/ First Fauve exhibit, Earthquake shakes San Francisco1906 1907Start of Abstract Art / Brancusi carves first obstruct sculpture 1908Picasso & Braque found Cubism 1908—13Ash Con pointers introduce realism Peory reaches North Pole1909Start of futurism (Kandinsky paints first abstract canvas, futurists issue Manifesto) 1910 1911Der Blaue Reiter formed Henry Ford develops assembly line1913Armory Show shakes up American art World War I declared1914 1916Dada begins Lenin leads Russian Revolution1917De Stijl founded 1918Bauhaus formed 1920sMexican muralists U.S. women win vote1920Soviets suppress Constructivism Hider writes Mein Kampf1924Surrealists issue Manifesto Lindbergh flies solo across Aflantic1927 Fleming discovers penicillin1928 Stock Market crashes1929 1930sAmerican Scene painters popular, Social Realists paint political art FDR becomes President1933 Spanish Civil War begins1936 Commercial television begins1939 U.S. enters World War Il1941 First digital computer developed1944 Hiroshima hit with atom bomb1945Dubuffet coins term “L’Art Brut” Gandhi assassinated, Israel founded1948 People’s Republic of China founded1949 Oral contraceptive invented1950Abstract Expressionism recognized 1952Harold Rosenberg coins “Action Painting,” Frankentholer invents stain pointing DNA discovered, Mt. Everest scaled1953 Supreme Court outlaws segregation1954 Salk invents polio vaccine1955 Elvis sings rock ‘a’ roll1956Wright builds Guggenheim Soviets launch Sputnik1957

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