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Henri Matisse Movement, Style, School or Type of Art: Fauvism

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1 Henri Matisse Movement, Style, School or Type of Art: Fauvism
Date and Place of Birth: December 31, 1869, Le Cateau–Cambrésis, France Life: His works are characterized by big blocks of bold, vibrant colors and a deceptive simplicity. He and Picasso are probably the two artists who had the greatest influence on the course of 20th century art. Important Works: Madame Matisse ("The Green Line"), 1905 La Joie de Vivre, The Dance, 1910 The Red Studio, 1911 Icarus, 1947 Date and Place of Death: November 3, 1954, Nice, France

2 Les Fauves French for The Wild Beasts
A short-lived and loose grouping of early 20th century Modern artists Works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond 1910 The movement lasted only three years, 1905–1907, and had three exhibitions The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and André Derain

3 Woman Reading 1894

4 Woman with the Hat 1904

5 Portrait of Madame Matisse (The green line)

6 Red Bedroom, 1908

7 Goldfish, 1912

8 Le Rifain assis (Seated Riffian) Late 1912 or early 1913

9 La leçon de musique (The Music Lesson) 1917

10 Robe violette et Anemones 1937

11 La Musique 1939

12 Les Velours 1947

13 Icarus, 1947

14 Mille et une Nuits, 1950

15 Les Végétaux, 1952

16 King's Sadness, 1952

17 Blue Nude II, 1952

18 La Négresse, 1952

19 La Gerbe, 1953

20 The Snail 1953

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