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AMSTERDAM Best Practices for Dynamic Campaigns. Presented By: AMSTERDAM Naomi Hauser Client Success Manager Points: 14,285 Rank: 10 Level: Platinum.

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Presentation on theme: "AMSTERDAM Best Practices for Dynamic Campaigns. Presented By: AMSTERDAM Naomi Hauser Client Success Manager Points: 14,285 Rank: 10 Level: Platinum."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMSTERDAM Best Practices for Dynamic Campaigns

2 Presented By: AMSTERDAM Naomi Hauser Client Success Manager Points: 14,285 Rank: 10 Level: Platinum

3 AMSTERDAM Best Practices for Dynamic Campaigns

4 AMSTERDAM Utilize the Full Potential!

5 adCore’s Campaign Creation AMSTERDAM You have a tool that can make changes automatically in AdWords!? A ‘Product Campaign’ is the first step!

6 The More The Merrier AMSTERDAM adCore best practice lists 13 campaign structures that we expect to see in an AdWords account. Let me introduce these to you by priority:

7 Priority A: AMSTERDAM These campaigns should be up and running from the very beginning. 1 – Own Brand Campaign 2 – Remarketing Campaign 3 – Product Campaign 4 – Brand + Category 5 – Product Campaign Broad Match

8 Priority B: AMSTERDAM After you have done Priority A, the next step is to create these. 1 - Dynamic Search Ads 2 - Generic 3 - Category 4 – Brand 5 – Product Listing Ads

9 Priority C: AMSTERDAM Once you are happy with results, you have optimized Priority A, and B.. Priority C is for finding ways to expand your activity. 1 - Display Network 2 - Brand + Category Broad Match 3 - Brand Broad 4 - Category Broad

10 Don’t Stop There… AMSTERDAM Most stop after they have completed Product campaigns. 1 – Own Brand Campaign 2 – Remarketing Campaign 3 – Product Campaign 4 – Brand + Category 5 – Product Campaign Broad Match

11 Much More To Go AMSTERDAM But as we just said… There are MANY more Structures you should be implementing

12 Just a Few… AMSTERDAM

13 Product Campaigns AMSTERDAM Why Are Product Campaigns Important?

14 End of Buying Cycle AMSTERDAM

15 Long Tail Keywords AMSTERDAM

16 Product Campaign Categories AMSTERDAM Product campaign can be split into 2: Safe Strategy: The exact match, modified “Wild” strategy: The broad

17 Tip #1: Use Broad Keywords. AMSTERDAM When you don’t use BROAD keywords. YOU ARE MISSING UP TO 50% of POTENTIAL CONVERSIONS Don’t be afraid of the broad!

18 Tip #2: Use Keyword Variations AMSTERDAM What keyword variations do I want to create for the Product Campaign? –Product –Product and brand –Product and category –Collection and product

19 Tip #3: Use The Right Ads AMSTERDAM How do I use Keywords in the ad? –Fields or DKI? –DKI with Prefix? –How does it work in adCore? –Why choose to use the DKI?

20 What is a DKI? AMSTERDAM DKI is short for “Dynamic Keyword Insertion” This will look like {KeyWord: } in the ad Copy. It will Place the Keyword that the user triggered in the ad itself.

21 Where to use DKI? AMSTERDAM –When there are more than one product in an ad group –When Keywords are specific enough (live [Sony T200] vs. [T200])

22 When to Use Prefix DKI? AMSTERDAM –When there are more than one product in an ad group –When keywords are missing from the full information you want in the ad (like T200)

23 When to Not to Use DKI? AMSTERDAM When you want one product per ad

24 AMSTERDAM How to deal with large numbers of products? How can we split our campaigns?

25 How And When To Split Campaigns AMSTERDAM There is no one way/ right way to do it. It’s just a matter of how you organize it for yourself. –adCore limits to: 1000 ad groups and 40,000 keywords Ask Yourself: –How many products am I working with? 100, 10,000? –Is there a difference in the CPA or Budget for different products? –Is there a Natural Logic to your products? Category Brand Price

26 AMSTERDAM Price Category Brand name Product type Avlibality

27 AMSTERDAM Overspliting = Overhead

28 Maximize Product Campaigns AMSTERDAM –Use broad keywords! –Use many keywords variations –Use the best ad structure –Learned how to Split campaigns so my campaigns will work for me not against me

29 Be Bold! AMSTERDAM Let’s boldly go where no adCore user has gone before

30 Priority B+C: AMSTERDAM 1 - Dynamic Search Ads 2 - Generic 3 - Category 4 – Brand 5 - Display Network 6 - Brand + Category Broad Match 7 - Brand Broad 8 - Category Broad

31 Generic campaigns AMSTERDAM Why are generic campaigns important?

32 Start of the Buying Cycle AMSTERDAM

33 Short Tail Keywords AMSTERDAM

34 Category Level Landing Page AMSTERDAM

35 Creating Generic Campaigns AMSTERDAM 1) Create a dedicated generic feed 2) Use your existing product feed

36 Dedicated Generic Feed AMSTERDAM

37 Use The Existing Product Feed AMSTERDAM Generate the generic URL Free search URL URL pattern – build with dynamic fields

38 Use Free Search AMSTERDAM Build the URL.

39 Build Using Patterns AMSTERDAM A product URL may look like this: Your Category URL may look like this:

40 Using Product Feed for Generic Campaigns AMSTERDAM You may generate multiple instances of Brand and Category or Brand and Subcategory etc. adCore will only show each variation once.

41 Using Dynamic Parameters AMSTERDAM Example of dynamic parameters to use in a generic campaign: Price starting from Number of items available Any ideas?

42 AMSTERDAM Okay, so we know it’s possible to expand our AdWords activity by using feeds.

43 Priority B+C: AMSTERDAM 1 - Dynamic Search Ads 2 - Generic 3 - Category 4 – Brand 5 - Display Network 6 - Brand + Category Broad Match 7 - Brand Broad 8 - Category Broad

44 Guiding your Generic Campaigns AMSTERDAM More generic campaigns, may need a more guiding hand. Solution: Hybrid mode

45 What is adCore Hybrid Mode? AMSTERDAM adCore synchronizes the ad groups You can manually alter the ad copy, and keywords in your advertising Platform

46 Why Use Hybrid Mode? AMSTERDAM Examples: When Keyword variations you want are not available from the Feed. When you want to place full attention to the ad variations.

47 Activate Hybrid Mode AMSTERDAM How to activate Hybrid mode in adCore:

48 Hybrid mode LOGIC AMSTERDAM Keyword Destination URL Parameters

49 Rules for Dynamic Campaigns AMSTERDAM Synergy Effect

50 Harmony Between Tools AMSTERDAM Dynamic Campaign Creation and Automation Rule optimization work together.

51 Which Rules Would You Add? AMSTERDAM To a Product campaign? To a Brand and Category campaign? –Must have: Bid management & Ad optimizer –More Traffic? Add search terms –adCore Generated? Pause underperforming Keywords

52 You can and Should add: AMSTERDAM

53 LIVE adCore Tour AMSTERDAM Let’s go to adCore for Tour

54 Highlights AMSTERDAM Product Campaign w/ Broad kw is a MUST You can do a lot more with your feed than create Product campaigns adCore’s new Hybrid mode makes it easier to manage your generic campaigns.

55 Thank You! AMSTERDAM Utilize the Full Potential!

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