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Cyber Time Personal Information Stranger danger Cyber Bulling How to use Internet in School Staying safe Adionna Stanco.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Time Personal Information Stranger danger Cyber Bulling How to use Internet in School Staying safe Adionna Stanco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Time Personal Information Stranger danger Cyber Bulling How to use Internet in School Staying safe Adionna Stanco

2 Personal Information DO NOT SHARE … Your name or your parents’ name. GOT IT YALLL?

3 Stranger Danger If someone asks you a weird question than log off, tell an adult, or say NO! (Meow) GARY COME HERE

4 Cyber Bullying If you notice cyber bullying STOP and help. Also you need to tell an adult. ASAP

5 How to use Internet in School Print with teacher’s permission. Only use for good. If you see something bad log OFF!

6 Staying Safe Hi guys do not post videos and do not share personal information. Than you will be safe. Safety first to avoid the worst



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