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 Parties nominate their delegates in congressional caucuses.  Popular vote was symbolic  States pick representatives - Electors › Each state gets a.

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2  Parties nominate their delegates in congressional caucuses.  Popular vote was symbolic  States pick representatives - Electors › Each state gets a number of electors = to its total members of congress( reps. + senators)  Electors choose the president

3  National Party conventions now select delegates, beginning at the local level – state and then National  Jackson attempted constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College- failed  Persuaded states to link their popular vote to the electors- winner take all system. › Each party has a separate set of electors & the one who wins popular votes gets all the elector votes for that state  3 x’s didn’t work.  Jackson was known as a peoples president because of actions like this that brought ‘average’ citizens into government

4  Party conventions were corrupt by ‘party bosses’ who hand picked the delegates and therefore the presidential nominees.  Progressive party attempt the first Indirect primary- where people directly votes for their nominees › Didn’t catch on many places.  No Electoral College Changes

5  Reform Democrats forced 2 ways to nominate delegates. › Open Party Caucuses- meeting open to any register party voter -if you show up and are not registered they will register you on the spot  Representatives from each of the delegates speak at the meeting followed by vote. › Primary Elections- registered voters cast a ballot for their choice  No Electoral college changes.

6  Begin in January- › New Hampshire › Tech. Iowa is first but it is a caucus not a voting primary  End in June- › South Dakota  These are followed by the National Party Conventions › Vice president nominee is announced at this time. › People vote in November › Electors vote in December › President is sworn in, in January (originally march)

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