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Bellwork What is the purpose of the scientific method?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork What is the purpose of the scientific method?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork What is the purpose of the scientific method?

2 The Scientific Method

3 Target #1: I can list the steps of the scientific method
Observation Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis/ Experimentation Analyze Data Evaluate Results/ Conclusion

4 Is the scientific method a linear or a circular process? Why?

5 Target #2: I can describe observation
All scientific inquiry begins with observation Observation: using our senses to study the world Leads to scientific questions Can be recorded as data to be analyzed

6 What does it really mean to observe something? What does it look like?

7 Scientists use data to form a hypothesis
Target #3: I can explain the role hypotheses play in scientific inquiry Scientists use data to form a hypothesis Hypothesis: a proposed answer for a scientific question Must be specific and testable Hypotheses play an important role in scientific inquiry by providing a testable explanation for an observation

8 Target #4- I can write a hypothesis from a given question/problem
Easy way to formulate hypothesis is to use “if/then” statements Question/problem: I’m short on cooking time. Will my water boil faster if I start with warm water or with cold? Hypothesis: If the temperature of the water affects the time it takes to boil water, then the amount of time it takes to boil the cold water will be less then the amount of time it takes to boil the hot water

9 Practice Problem A: I wear cologne/perfume and I want to know how to determine what type of perfume is better to buy. Ex: If the cologne/perfume is better then other brands then the scent will last longer when sampled

10 Think-Pair-Share Take 2 min and come up with your own problem/question
Think-Pair-Share Take 2 min and come up with your own problem/question. Then write a hypothesis for your problem/question that you can test

11 Target #5- I can explain the purpose of experimentation
Testing a hypothesis involves either conducting an experiment or making further observations Experimentation requires a good procedure Ensures that testing is specific and results will be meaningful Should always include a control group Control group does not go through the steps of the experiment, nor is exposed to the factor being tested Modeling is an effective tool to predict what will happen Modeling represents a real, or actual, subject

12 Target #6: I can differentiate between a dependent and an independent variable
In experiments, scientists study factors called independent and dependent variables to find cause-and-effect relationships

13 Independent Variable: a condition in an experiment that is manipulated or changed
Effects are measured by the dependent variable Dependent Variable: experimental data that is observed and measured during an experiment Affected by the independent variable Target #6- cont.

14 Checking for Understanding (CFU) Why is it important to have both an independent and a dependent variable?

15 Target #7- I can explain the role of data in an experiment
The role of data is to explain the results of the experiment Should be observable and objective Should not be based on opinion Can be displayed in graph or table format Having many trials means less chance for statistical error

16 Thinking further… If the data does not support the hypothesis, what do you do next?

17 Target #8: I can explain the difference between a scientific theory and the word theory used in conversation Scientific Theory: a widely accepted explanation that is supported by evidence Different from the word theory used in conversational language Theory in conversational language usually means ”a guess” Can change based on new evidence

18 Explanation What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

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