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1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960. Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960.

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Presentation on theme: "1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960. Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960."— Presentation transcript:

1 1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960

2 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 1700 1250 1200 1000 960

3 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 Joseph goes to Egypt 1700 His brothers join him due to famine 1250 1200 1000 960

4 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 Joseph goes to Egypt 1700 His brothers join him due to famine Moses leads the Exodus 1250 1200 1000 960

5 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 Joseph goes to Egypt 1700 His brothers join him due to famine Moses leads the Exodus 1250 Entry into Promised Land 1200 1000 960

6 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 Joseph goes to Egypt 1700 His brothers join him due to famine Moses leads the Exodus 1250 Entry into Promised Land 1200 David King of Israel 1000 GOLDEN AGE Unites the Kingdom 960

7 Abraham settles in Canaan 1850 Joseph goes to Egypt 1700 His brothers join him due to famine Moses leads the Exodus 1250 Entry into Promised Land 1200 David King of Israel 1000 GOLDEN AGE Unites the Kingdom Solomon builds the 1st 960 Temple

8 922 Kingdom splits Judah (South)Israel (North) 922 922 722(1) 587 538

9 922 Kingdom splits Judah (South)Israel (North) 922 922 722(1) Assyrians Conquer North Diaspora begins 587 538

10 922 Kingdom splits Judah (South)Israel (North) 922 922 722(1) Assyrians Conquer North Diaspora begins 587 Babylonians destroy the Temple & Jerusalem & Conquer Judah. Begin Babylonian Captivity/Exile 538

11 922 Kingdom splits Judah (South)Israel (North) 922 922 722(1) Assyrians Conquer North Diaspora begins 587 Babylonians destroy the Temple & Jerusalem & Conquer Judah. Begin Babylonian Captivity/Exile 538 Persians conquer Babylonians, Judahites return home

12 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 168 63 20 70 C.E.

13 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 Greeks conquer Persians+ take control of Palestine (including Judah) 168 63 20 70 C.E.

14 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 Greeks conquer Persians+ take control of Palestine (including Judah) 168 Revolt of the Maccabees Jewish Independence 63 20 70 C.E.

15 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 Greeks conquer Persians+ take control of Palestine (including Judah) 168 Revolt of the Maccabees Jewish Independence 63 Roman control of Palestine 20 70 C.E.

16 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 Greeks conquer Persians+ take control of Palestine (including Judah) 168 Revolt of the Maccabees Jewish Independence 63 Roman control of Palestine 20 Herod the Great expands & beautifies the Temple 70 C.E.

17 515 Temple is rebuilt (2nd Temple) 313 Greeks conquer Persians+ take control of Palestine (including Judah) 168 Revolt of the Maccabees Jewish Independence 63 Roman control of Palestine 20 Herod the Great expands & beautifies the Temple 70 C.E. Romans destroy the Temple & Jerusalem. Diaspora

18 1516 C.E. 1917 C.E. 1917 C.E. 1948 C.E.

19 1516 C.E. Rule of the OTTOMAN Empire over Palestine 1917 C.E. 1917 C.E. 1948 C.E.

20 1516 C.E. Rule of the OTTOMAN Empire over Palestine 1917 C.E. 1917 C.E. British Occupation of Palestine begins 1948 C.E.

21 1516 C.E. Rule of the OTTOMAN Empire over Palestine 1917 C.E. 1917 C.E. British Occupation of Palestine begins 1948 C.E. The ‘New’ state of Israel begins

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