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CH. 2 QUIZ If you have your notes you can use them.

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Presentation on theme: "CH. 2 QUIZ If you have your notes you can use them."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH. 2 QUIZ If you have your notes you can use them.

2 BELL WORK Write down 3 things you like about yourself. Then write about the last time you felt bad about yourself.


4 OBJECTIVE RECOGNIZE good mental and emotional health. IDENTIFY factors that influence your self concept. DEVELOP skills to build self-esteem.


6 MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH People with good mental and emotional health are better able to adapt. adapt Adjust to new situations


8 MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL CHECKLIST You accept the fact that situations will not always go as YOU planned. You set goals

9 CHECKLIST CONTINUE You understand and deal with your feelings in healthy ways You accept constructive criticisms You express your feelings in a positive way

10 WHAT MAKES YOU What makes you? PERSONALITY SELF CONCEPT personality The unique combination of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that make you different from everyone else self-concept The view you have of yourself

11 PERSONALITY Your personality affects how you handle problems and new situations. People react in DIFFERENT ways to the SAME situation.

12 SELF CONCEPT A positive self concept can help you form a better view of yourself.

13 SELF ESTEEM When you have a high self-esteem you better able to handle new situations and problems. self-esteem The way you feel about yourself, and how you value yourself

14 RESILIENCE When things go wrong people with high self esteem have resilience. resilience The ability to bounce back from disappointment

15 BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM List your strengths Remember everyone makes mistakes “call mistakes learning opportunities” Motivate yourself

16 ACTIVITY SELF ESTEEM Number a paper 1-10. For each question, write your points down

17 1. I participate in class discussions 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

18 2. I feel comfortable talking with adults 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

19 3. I am proud of my talents 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

20 4. I have lots of close friends 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

21 5. I am happy with my physical appearance 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

22 6. I forgive myself when I make mistakes 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

23 7. I smile a lot 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

24 8. I feel confident that I can accomplish things 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

25 9. I talk a lot when I am with friends 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

26 10. I have hobbies that I enjoy 3 ptsAlways 2 ptsSometimes 1 ptNever/rarely

27 Now, add up your scores…

28 25-30 Points You probably have high self-esteem

29 15-24 Points You probably have normal self-esteem

30 <15 Points You might have low self-esteem

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