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Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Physical Geography –South America’s Giant ½ of S. A. people and land Coastal Plains-Escarpment-Interior Plateau –Regions Northeast.

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Presentation on theme: "Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Physical Geography –South America’s Giant ½ of S. A. people and land Coastal Plains-Escarpment-Interior Plateau –Regions Northeast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Physical Geography –South America’s Giant ½ of S. A. people and land Coastal Plains-Escarpment-Interior Plateau –Regions Northeast –Settled by Portugal @ 1500 for sugar export. –3 million slaves over next 300 years –Sertao: interior plateau; dry then wet and fertile soil washes away –Poverty

2 Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Southeast Region –10% of area and 40% of people –Humid subtropical and fertile soil—agriculture –Cotton, sugar, cacao, rice and COFFEE –Increased middle class –Favelas Slum communities around urban center –Carnival Four days before Lent

3 Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Brazilian Highland –North of southeast region –Interior hills in the central plateau –Brasilia Capital City since 1960 Create jobs for pop. Growth in BH Amazon River Region –Largest, least explored –Rain forest Wild life –Indians 200,000 from 180 tribe; Shrinking Numbers

4 Geo: Chap 12 Brazil Human Geography –Attempts to increase Middle Class Wealthy plantations to individual land ownership Growth of Industry and increase population of interior. –Brasilia –Gasohol –Amazon River Plants—Gov’t policy on deforestation and ecotourism

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