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By Zach Coffman, Isaiah Eisenbeis, and Stacy Bedwell.

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Presentation on theme: "By Zach Coffman, Isaiah Eisenbeis, and Stacy Bedwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Zach Coffman, Isaiah Eisenbeis, and Stacy Bedwell

2  How far will a penny go if a quarter hits it.

3  We think the penny will go far because the quarter has more mass than the penny.

4  Two rulers  A quarter  A penny

5  1. tape rulers down on desk side by side about an inch apart  2.put penny between the rulers on the 7” mark  3.put quarter between ruler at 1”  4. flick quarter at penny  5.see our results  6. repeat four times

6  1 st Observation- Penny went from 7’’ mark to off the desk.  2 nd Observation- Penny went from 7’’ to an inch away from the rulers  3 rd Observation- penny went from the 7” mark to the 11” mark

7  Test 1: Penny went to off the desk.  Test 2: Penny went 1” inch away from the ruler.  Test 3: Penny went to the 11” mark.

8  Our hypothesis was correct the penny 2 times out of 3 went out of the ruler.  The penny went out of the ruler 2 times but the 3 rd time it only went to the 11 mark.

9  Motion and Forces- Gottlieb Joans title of handout, Austin, Texas (1996), Steck-Vaughn  Laws of Motion- Gottlieb Joans title of handout, Austin, Texas (1996), Steck-Vaughn  Newtons Laws of Motion- Greer, Krisen, Title of graphic organiser, 6 th grade science class (2014), Standford Kentucky, Lloyd Mcguffey 6 th grade center

10  The first law of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion and at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.  The second law of motion states that The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied to it.  The third law of motion states that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.  kD6P0 kD6P0

11 Thank you for watching our project.

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