What was “yellow journalism?” What was “yellow journalism?” January 2012.

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1 What was “yellow journalism?” What was “yellow journalism?” January 2012

2 Chapter 22 - Section 2

3 (Empire Building) = control over other lands and people:

4 British Empire :1900

5 Americans were impressed with the empires built by:

6 1854 Commodore opens trade relations for U.S. with Japan.

7 Alaska: Sec. Of State William Seward Sec. Of State William Seward arranged to buy Alaska for 7.2 $ 7.2 million!!!

8 Trouble in Cuba: Revolutions: going on for years the U.S. didn’t take notice until it got serious & closer to Havana.

9 1898, President William McKinley sends the U.S. battleship Maine to Havana Harbor, Cuba. Sent the Maine to protect American business interests, citizens, & future U.S. land possessions.

10 U.S.S. Maine USS Maine Enters Havana Harbor, February 1898,

11 U.S.S. Maine USS Maine After the Explosion, February 1898,


13 Photo from 1911 removal from Havana Harbor.


15 U.S. Navy investigation could not blame Spain for the sinking of the Maine. Most Americans blamed them anyway. American newspapers encouraged an anti-Spanish attitude in the U.S. and created “War Fever” with their J. Pulitzer




19 After the U.S. Navy began a blockade of Spain declared war on April 24, 1898.

20 The Sinking of the Maine Although the cause is “unknown”, many experts believe that it was an accident that caused the sinking (internal explosion).

21 Battle of Manila Bay – May 1, 1898. Admiral Dewey’s fleet easily defeated the Spanish fleet in the Philippines.. The U.S. could concentrate on the war in the Caribbean (Cuba).

22 Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders gain fame from the U.S. victory at San Juan Hill, July 1, 1898.

23 The Rough Riders Theodore Roosevelt & the Rough Riders (volunteers).

24 American deaths in the Spanish-American War = 5,462 Most casualties were from: Malaria, Typhoid, Yellow Fever Spanish-American War lasted: 114 Days

25 Results of the Spanish- American War of 1898: Cuba wins independence. 1. 2. Puerto Rico & Guam become U.S. territories (citizenship). 3. The Philippines became a U.S. territory with the same type of government as Puerto Rico, but no U.S. citizenship.

26 New American Empire Cuban independence came with strings attached. They were forced by the U.S. to include the Platt Amendment, giving America the right to intervene in Cuban affairs any time there was a threat to “life, property, and individual liberty. The U.S. Navy also keeps Guantanamo Bay, used today as a prisoner of war camp for enemy combatant in the War on Terror. Rise of the “Anti – Imperialist League.”

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