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Animals with Patterns. Reasons Animals Have Patterned Coats To scare predators Camouflage Because it’s unique!

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Presentation on theme: "Animals with Patterns. Reasons Animals Have Patterned Coats To scare predators Camouflage Because it’s unique!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animals with Patterns

2 Reasons Animals Have Patterned Coats To scare predators Camouflage Because it’s unique!

3 Cheetah Pattern: –small, dark spots Why? –Camouflage –To hide while hunting Species –Mammal

4 Giraffe Pattern: –large, brown spots Why? –Camouflage –To hide from predators Species –Mammal

5 Dalmatian Pattern: –small, black spots Why? –To be unique Species –Mammal

6 Ladybug Pattern: –small, black spots Why? –Camouflage –To scare predators Species –Insect

7 Peacock Pattern: –Blue-green “eyes” on their tail feathers Why? –Male: to attract females –Female: to scare away danger Species –Bird

8 Tiger Pattern: –Black stripes Why? –Camouflage –To hide while hunting Species –Mammal

9 Zebra Pattern: –White and Black stripes Why? –Camouflage –To hide from predators Species –Mammal

10 Can You Find the Giraffe?

11 Assignment Choose one animal from the list below and create your own “puppet” of the animal. –Cheetah –Dalmatian –Giraffe –Ladybug –Peacock –Tiger –Zebra Draw the animal on a piece of paper. Use scissors to cut out the shape of your animal. Use markers or crayons to color in the animal’s pattern. Finally, get a popsicle stick glue your animal to the end of the popsicle stick. NOW YOU HAVE A PUPPET!

12 Journal Questions Answer the following questions in your journals: 1.What animal did you choose? 2.What animal group is it in? (mammal, fish, amphibian, invertebrate, bird, or reptile?) 3.What does your animal use its pattern for? (camouflage, protection, etc?)

13 Useful Learning Websites Animal Corner –Find information on your animal. –Look at pictures of your animal. Animal Planet –Find information on your animal. –Look at pictures of your animal. Dalmatians –Use the side bar to view photos and facts about Dalmatians. Animal Puzzles (for fun!) –Try to solve different puzzles of your favorite animals!

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