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LIQUID DOSAGE FORMS PART I. All liquid dosage forms are dispersed systems in which medical substance (the internal phase) is dispersed uniformly though-out.

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Presentation on theme: "LIQUID DOSAGE FORMS PART I. All liquid dosage forms are dispersed systems in which medical substance (the internal phase) is dispersed uniformly though-out."— Presentation transcript:


2 All liquid dosage forms are dispersed systems in which medical substance (the internal phase) is dispersed uniformly though-out the external phase. Medical substances in liquid dosage form can be in the different aggregate states: solid, liquid and gas.

3 Physical and chemical systems: real solutions colloid solutions suspensions emulsions infusions, decoctions, extracts and other.



6 Solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In mixture, solute is dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. homogeneousmixturesolute solventhomogeneousmixturesolute solvent

7 Liquid dosage forms can be classified by medical aplication: for internal use - ad usum іnternum for external use - ad usum externum for injection - pro іnjectіonіbus.

8 Liquid dosage forms for internal use name usually mixtures (from the Latin word of mіxturae - to mix up), the disperse phase - water (only). They are measured out to the patients independently by spoons (table (soup)-spoon - 15 ml, dessert- spoon - 10 ml, tea-spoon – 5ml.).

9 By composition Simple- solutions which include only one substance. Multiple- solutions which include a few ingredients.

10 By nature of solvent. Hydrogen's non-aqueous (alcoholic, glycerin, oily).


12 Preparation of liquid dosage forms consists of the followings stages: 1.Selection of bottles and corks. 2.Weighting of medical substances. 3.Measurement of solvent. 4.Dissolution. 5. Percolation or filtration. 6.Packing.

13 Nomenclature of the concentrated solutions which use for preparation mixtures 5 % solution (1:20) sol. Natrii hydrocarbonatis 10 % solutions (1:10) are sol. Natrii benzoates, sol. Coffein natrii-benzoatis. 20 % solutions (1:5) are sol. Natrii bromidi, sol. Kalii bromidi, sol. Natrii iodidi, sol. Kalii iodidi, sol. Natrii chloridi, sol. Kalii chloridi, sol. Calcii chloride, sol. Hexamethylentetramini, sol. Cloralii hydrati, sol. Natrii salicylati. 25 % solution (1:4) sol. Magnii sulfati.

14 For example, it is necessary to prepare 1 L 20% solution of Kalii bromidi. All calculations can be conducted by two methods: account the density of this solution account the coefficient of increase of volume

15 Account the coefficient of increase of volume : Quantity of water for preparation of the concentrated solutions, can be expect using the coefficient of increase of volume. The coefficient of increase of volume (CIV) is coefficient, which shows an increase of the volume of solution at dissolution of a 1,0 gram of solid substance. For Kalii bromidi CIV is 0,27. Then 200,0 g of Kalii bromidi at dissolution will occupy a volume 54 ml. V= 0,27*200,0 = 54 Consequently, for a receipt to a 1 litre of a 20% solution it is necessary to take 946 мл of the cleared water 1000-54=946ml


17 At preparation of dosage forms hold to the set procedure of dissolution and mixing of medications taking into account their physical and chemical properties. Rule of preparation mixtures:

18 Always at first measure a distilled water. In the bottle in distilled water dissolve solid substances in a next sequence – at first narcotic, poisonous, strong affective, then general list. (at first – heavily soluble, and then – easily soluble), If sum of solid substances more than 3 % take into account the coefficient of increase of volume.

19 Percolation in a small bottle through the double layers of gauze, or tampon Add the concentrated solutions from the burette system, at first narcotics, after that general list in order according to the prescription Add not fragrant and non-flying liquids ( syrups, tinctures); then alcoholic liquids, in the order of growth of concentration of alcohol; are fragrant and volatile liquids

20 Rp: Analgіnі 3,0 Kalіі bromіdі 4,0 Aquae purіfіcatae 200ml Tіncturae Beladonnae 8ml Tіncturae Valerіanae 10ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. 1 soup-spoon 3 times a day

21 Total volume: 200ml+10ml+8ml=218ml. Concentrated solution Kalіі bromіdі 20% (1:5) 4,05=20ml. Analgіnі 3,0 218 ml – 3,0 100 ml – Х Х = 1,7% (1,7% 3%) Aquae purіfіcatae 200-20 = 180 ml WCP (reverse side):

22 Date prescription № Aquae purіfіcatae 180ml Analgіnі 3,0 Solutіonіs Kalіі bromіdі (1:5) 20ml Tіncturae Beladonnae 8ml Tіncturae Valerіanae 10ml V total = 218 ml Has prepared: Has checked up: WCP (front side):

23 In porcelain cup measure off 180 ml of cleared water and dissolve 3,0 of analgin. Solution percolate through a piece of wool in a small bottle for dispense. There measure off 20 ml of solution potassium bromide (1:5), then tincture of Belladonna, in the last turn measure off the tincture of valerian (prepared on a 70% alcohol). Glue on the number of recipe, label "Mixture",, “Shake before use ".

24 Rp: Kalіі іodіdі Natrіі bromіdі aa 5,0 Glucosі 15,0 Aquae purіfіcatae 180ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. At first determine the percentage of the total glucose mixture. 180 ml - 15.0 100 ml – X X = 8,3%, more than 3%.

25 15.00,69=10,35(ml), is much more tolerance than in 3,6 ml. In this case calculation of amount of water for recipe conduct by such method : the concentrated solution- sodiums bromide 20% (1:5) and potassium bromide 20% (1:5) it is necessary to take for 25ml (5,0  5=25); water: 180ml-(25ml+25ml+10,35ml)=119,6ml Technology of preparation following: in porcelain cup measure off 120ml of water (better warm) and dissolve a 15.0 glucose, percolate solution in a small bottle for dispense; there measure off for 25ml 20% solution of potassium iodide and 20% concentrated solution-sodium bromide. Labels are "Mixture", to "Keep in a cool place", number of recipe.

26 WPC Date № prescription Aquae purіfіcatae 120ml Glucosі 15,0 Solutіonіs Kalіі іodіdі (1:5) 25ml Solutіonіs Natrіі bromіdі (1:5) 25ml V total =180ml Prepared: Checked:

27 WPC r.s. Rp: Kalіі bromіdі Natrіі bromіdі aa 2,0 Aquae Menthae ad 200ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. 1 table spoon 3 times a day. WPCf.s. Date № prescription Aquae Menthae 200ml Kalіі bromіdі 2,0 Natrіі bromіdі 2,0 V tot. = 200ml Prepared: Checked:


29 In the case, when of the recipe as a solvent prescribed flavored water is allowed to use concentrated solutions of powdery substances and Capacity factor of increased do not use. Technology: measure off 200 ml of water mint and dissolve in it 2.0 sodium bromide and potassium bromide, and then filtered in the bottle for dispensing.


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