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The Powerful Pitch: Preparing Entrepreneurs to Pitch to Investors By Ray Smilor, PhD Schumacher Fellow in Innovation and Technology Professor of Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "The Powerful Pitch: Preparing Entrepreneurs to Pitch to Investors By Ray Smilor, PhD Schumacher Fellow in Innovation and Technology Professor of Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Powerful Pitch: Preparing Entrepreneurs to Pitch to Investors By Ray Smilor, PhD Schumacher Fellow in Innovation and Technology Professor of Professional Practice Neeley School of Business Texas Christian University

2 Agenda I.SUCCESs Model II.Elevator Pitch III.Content of the Pitch IV.Delivery of the Pitch

3 I. SUCCESs Model Why do some ideas stick in our minds?

4 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple * Core of idea ProverbsPrioritizeProfound

5 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple U – unexpected * Get attention Break a Pattern Violate Expectations Surprise

6 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple U – unexpected C – concreteness * Specific images Sensory Information Human Actions

7 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple U – unexpected C – concreteness C – credibility * Causes people to believe Statistics and Relationships Testable Evidence Truthful Details

8 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple U – unexpected C – concreteness C – credibility E – emotional * Feeling Tied to People Invoke Self- Interest Have to Care

9 I. SUCCESs Model S – simple U – unexpected C – concreteness C – credibility E – emotional Ss – stories * Compelling connection Wisdom Reflect Core Message Make People Act

10 II. Elevator Pitch

11 Purpose: Convey essence of business by time elevator reaches 20 th floor

12 II. Elevator Pitch Purpose: Convey essence of business by time elevator reaches 20 th floor Time: 120 seconds – 2 minutes

13 II. Elevator Pitch Purpose: Convey essence of business by time elevator reaches 20 th floor Time: 120 seconds – 2 minutes Expectation: Grab attention and get follow-up meeting

14 II. Elevator Pitch Purpose: Convey essence of business by time elevator reaches 20 th floor Time: 120 seconds – 2 minutes Expectation: Grab attention and get follow-up meeting Requirements: Must be concise, focused, effective

15 II. Elevator Pitch Purpose: Convey essence of business by time elevator reaches 20 th floor Time: 120 seconds – 2 minutes Expectation: Grab attention and get follow-up meeting Requirements: Must be concise, focused, effective Essential to success

16 II. Elevator Pitch 2 key questions from investors: 1.Why is this an opportunity? 2.Why should I bet on you?

17 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused

18 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need

19 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely

20 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge

21 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate

22 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate 6.The revenue model – explain how you will make money

23 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate 6.The revenue model – explain how you will make money 7.Operations – say how you will produce your product/deliver your service

24 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate 6.The revenue model – explain how you will make money 7.Operations – say how you will produce your product/deliver your service 8.The team – demonstrate credibility

25 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate 6.The revenue model – explain how you will make money 7.Operations – say how you will produce your product/deliver your service 8.The team – demonstrate credibility 9.The finances – describe what you have raised and what you need

26 III. Content of the Pitch 1.The problem – customer-focused 2.The solution – solve a problem/meet a need 3.The market – describe customer concretely 4.The competition – acknowledge 5.Competitive advantage – tell what is hard for others to duplicate 6.The revenue model – explain how you will make money 7.Operations – say how you will produce your product/deliver your service 8.The team – demonstrate credibility 9.The finances – describe what you have raised and what you need 10.The close – make strong closing by reiterating key points

27 III. Content of the Pitch 3 Things NEVER to say:

28 III. Content of the Pitch 3 Things NEVER to say: – All I need is 1% of the market.

29 III. Content of the Pitch 3 Things NEVER to say: – All I need is 1% of the market. – There is no competition.

30 III. Content of the Pitch 3 Things NEVER to say: – All I need is 1% of the market. – There is no competition. – Everyone will buy.

31 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Keep it simple: – Essence of business – Speak in plain terms – Avoid industry/technical jargon

32 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Say the unexpected: – Pose unusual question – Present a stunning statistic – State an interesting analogy

33 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Be concrete: – Point to human actions – Provide sensory information – Avoid clichés

34 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Demonstrate credibility: – Investors bet on people – Explain capabilities – Present team’s credentials

35 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Show emotion: – Let interest/passion show – Be genuine/authentic – Reflect own values

36 IV. Delivery of the Pitch Tell a story: – Explain how you got into business – Indicate why product/service is important – Communicate benefit to customers

37 The Powerful Pitch – Pitch to everyone, everywhere at any time!

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