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GlobalScot An International Business Network Jim Reid, Stakeholders & Networks Director Scottish Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "GlobalScot An International Business Network Jim Reid, Stakeholders & Networks Director Scottish Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 GlobalScot An International Business Network Jim Reid, Stakeholders & Networks Director Scottish Enterprise

2 Scotland’s National Economic Development Agency Focus on Delivering Transformational Change for Scotland Growth Companies Growth Sectors Growth Markets

3 GlobalScot – What and Who GlobalScot is: An International Business Network (founded in 2001) with the objective of Harnessing the Drive, Ambition and Talent of High Profile, Successful Scots (and those with an Affinity with Scotland) who are Committed to Advancing Scotland’s Economic Success GlobalScots are: Senior and Experienced, with a Track Record Willing to Engage Influential in Corporate Decision Making Part of Extensive Professional and Social Networks Motivated to Promote and Enhance the Scottish Economy

4 GlobalScot – How Business Efficiency Business Start Up Internationalisation Investment, Legal, HR Market Development Sales & Marketing Strategy Development New Markets New Customers New Suppliers Decision Makers Advisory Boards Business Mentoring Company Visits Hosting Student Internships Non Exec. Director Roles School/University Visits Speaking Opportunities Advice AspirationsAccess

5 680 Globally Based Members Asia Pacific 19% Americas 36% EMEA 45% GlobalScot Membership

6 A Truly International Business Network



9 GlobalScot – Network Facilitation Core Team Membership, Intelligence, Communications, Engagement Core Focus Companies, Sectors, Markets Broader Engagement Promotion, Education, Culture

10 GlobalScot – Core Areas of Impact Relationship Gain - Access to Key Decision Makers - Accelerating Penetration of New Markets - New Leads and Contacts Business Results - Increased Sales in New Markets - Jobs - £GVA Strategic Development - More Robust Strategies for Market Entry and Business Growth - Improved Business Efficiency Attitudinal Change - Improved Attitudes to Networking - Better Networking Capability

11 GlobalScot – for example Relationship Gain – Global Expertise and Reach Companies Sectors Markets Business – A Case Study – Mackays, Arbroath, Scotland GlobalScot Jody Hall, Director of Global Sourcing HEB, Texas, USA Now Selling to 113 Stores across Southern Texas Number One British Producer of Preserves in the US (£150k PA) Fastest Growing Imported Brand in their Field in the USA Now Export 35% of Output to 43 Markets Worldwide

12 GlobalScot – for example Strategic Development – New Market Opportunities - Africa GlobalScot - Supporting Scottish Business in Emerging Growth Markets Key Sector Focus - Oil & Gas, Construction, Food & Drink, IT, Financial Services Attitudinal Change – Impact in 2011/12 GlobalScot had its most successful Year to Date 450 Individual Company Requests for Assistance 3,500 email Requests to 680 Members 50 Events with 430 Attendees and 140 One to One Company Meetings 470 Meaningful Interactions

13 GlobalScot – Future Priorities Activity Levels Membership Validation Impact Wider Engagement

14 GlobalScot – Some Things We’ve Learned.... Strong Framework Core Proposition Long Term Commitment Membership Management

15 Thank You Jim Reid, Stakeholders & Networks Director Scottish Enterprise

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